kiddo made me

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"And this, right here is a hairdressers." Kyra stated, as she began to label all the different buildings they were passing on the German high-street that she was skipping down.

"Butchers" Viv corrected her, with her fluent German

"And then, now we're passing a bakery."


"Coming up next, we're going past a bank."

"It's a flower shop."

"On our right is a salon."

"It's a supermarket, Kyra. The sign literally says der Supermarkt. It is so painfully obvious it's a supermarket, even Beth could've gotten that."

"Excuse me, what was that?"

Having landed pretty early in the day, the team had decided to just drop their bags off at their hotel and explore the city of Wolfsburg, given the little time they had in the country of Germany. They played their game in two days time, and needed the day before for training, so today was their only true day to look around.

Given they were such a large team, they had split into smaller groups to explore around, still remaining together just in further distances.

Jess had found herself walking down the main streets with Kyra, Viv, Beth and Katie, with Lia, Leah, Caitlin and Kim not too far behind, all but babysitting some of the girls. It was a mix of dynamics that she appreciated being around, easing her into the adaption of being in a new place.

She was still struggling to communicate from the incident of earlier hours in the morning, not a single word being uttered from her mouth, only just beginning to find her smile back. It took a lot out of her, and Jess found herself so drained that she was almost in a calmed shut down, trying to regain composure of how to be a human.

It didn't stop her from exploring, though, mainly because she wanted to be able to stay with the girls, so she found herself hand in hand with Viv, just wandering down the street, occasionally looking back to make sure Leah was still following behind them, which of course, she always was.

"Oh nothing Beth, don't you worry Liefe."

"She basically called you stupid Beth, wouldn't have that if I were you."

"You know Kyra, she also compared Beth as to being more intelligent than you, so if she's just called Beth stupid, what does that make you?"

"More intelligent than you McCabe."

"That's possible the biggest lie I've ever heard."

 Kiddo simply giggled as the three of them all began bickering, further laughing as she heard Viv simply sigh beside her, continuing to walk down the street. A minor argument broke out between all of them on who was the most intelligent, as Kyra finally gave up with trying to prove her point, instead flinging herself onto Katie's back.

"What the fook are you doing man?"

"My legs hurt."

"Kyra you're literally a professional footballer?"

"Yeah and? My legs aren't used to walking on the rocky pavements of Germany."

The group of them all looked down to the path they were walking on, designed of a similar style to the ones in the UK, with a cemented ground, before turning back to Kyra, who was looking smug.

"You know what, to put an end to all of your guys arguments, I genuinely think kiddo may be more intelligent than the three of you put together" Viv simply stated, giving Jess' hand a small squeeze who simply smiled in return. 

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