bit confused there kiddo

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"You know it's going to be busy when we step out?"

"Yeah, I can see them all there."

"Really, where?"

Leah followed Jess' finger, pointing towards the large crowd of photographers and journalists crowding around the entrance to the Emirates stadium. They were all armed with cameras, microphones, notepads and pens, phones, any form of devices, standing idly whilst they awaited the appearance of the players. 

Instead of responding,  Leah reached across for the ear defenders they had laying on the backseat of her BMW, not questioning her younger sister as she opened them to place over her head, resting them softly on her French braids. 

"Are we the first here?"

"I believe so. I've got media duties so we did have to arrive a bit earlier than usual."

All of the girls were going to arrive separately to the stadium, deciding it best for ease of timings and what not for whatever the result may be. For a lot of them, this would be one of the biggest club matches they would play in their career; a sold out Emirates stadium for the Champions League semi-final against Wolfsburg. Despite winning the Euros in a bigger stadium, Leah still can't help but feel the nerves building in her, especially after being picked for the media duties beforehand as the captain for the game.

Alongside the ear defenders, Jess was already equipped with her sunflower lanyard, the fidget toy pre-placed in her hand as well. They were all aware that this match would be just as big for the young girl, even though she seemed rather calm in the run up. 

The two of them didn't step out the car immediately, simply sitting in their seats to each take their individual time. Jess turned from where she was sitting to face her older sister, who reciprocated the same action, her eyes softening.


"Yes my girl?"

"You know I'm really proud to call you my big sister, right?"

There was no response from the older woman, who continued simply watching her younger sister.

"Like, you say it to me so much, but I am proud of you. And like, this is well cool. So if I don't get to say it to you before you step out, you've got this Leah."

She couldn't hold it back anymore as tears welled in her eyes, moving her hand to softly wipe them away at her sisters words. Jess wasn't often one to verbalise affection, her love language being physical touch, but Leah appreciated hearing those words more than anything; there was nobody she'd rather hear it from more.

"Why are you crying?"

A slight giggle escaped the older woman's mouth, who responded by just pulling her younger sister in. Despite saying such emotional words, she had forgotten that her sister had different ways of showing and understanding emotions, tears correlating to sadness for the small girl.

"Happy tears, Jess. It's because I'm happy."

"So why aren't you smiling?"

"How about we talk about this after the game?"

With that, the two of them exited the car, Jess immediately making her way over to slip her hand into Leah's within seconds of leaving. Their exit caught the attention of the journalists quickly, finding the cameras flashing within seconds, questions arising. It was nothing out of the ordinary for Leah, who turned to try and protect her younger sister.

Wrapping her arms around Jess, Leah adjusted herself so the two could still move effectively, whilst keeping her little sister as close as possible. Her eyes widened, Jess looked up to meet Leah's gaze, prompting the older woman place a kiss against the young girls forehead before they continued moving across the car park. 

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