Just run to her kiddo

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Both of them kitted out in their England training gear, Leah and Jessica were sat together on the bus to Old Trafford stadium, where the Lionesses were facing Austria. It was Jess' first England match, and to say she was nervous would be an understatement. The bus had a calm tone to it, the entire squad chilled out and looking forward to their match; music was playing, Millie and Rachel were shouting at each other, Khiara, Hannah, and Ellie were all playing a heated game of cards. It had almost a homely sense to it. Jessica had found herself sat next to Leah, by the side of the window, with Georgia and Keira opposite. The three older girls were chatting away, laughing at some ridiculous things Georgia would come out with, whilst Jess was just cuddled into Leah's side, watching the scenery. Leah was keeping hold of both her hands, preventing the young girl from picking at the skin around her fingers, and her messy hair was tied back into a low pony tail to keep out her face. Her freckles were prevalent in the rare English sun, her bright blue eyes wide. 

"What's going through that loud brain of yours bug?"

She shrugged her shoulders. By now, Jess was used to the question, but she still didn't know how to answer it. She only leant back further into Leah's warmth, practically her entire body weight against her older sister as she turned her head backward to meet the captain's warm blue eyes beaming back at her.


Both the girls turned to see the final milliseconds of the flash from Georgia's camera, the midfielder just grinning at them having captured the sweet moment between the two sisters. 

"Thanks for the heads up there G."

"Well, if I gave you a heads up you would've moved."

"I definitely wouldn't have."

"I guess we'll never know, will we."

"Can you send me the picture?"

"You were just complaining about a minute ago."

"I wasn't complaining, I just said- 
ah you know what I don't care."

"Sending it now Le!"

Time continued to pass slowly like a slug for Jessica, as she spent more and more time in her own head about the stadium. She curled further and further into a small ball, practically crawling onto Leah's lap as the journey continued, neither of them saying anything to each other. It was only when the bus came to a halt outside the stadium, that the built up fear inside of Jessica had hit a head point. Leah moved to place the ear defenders on her younger sister, following their usual match day routine, to which the young girl ducked, before ducking again at the second time Leah made the action, backing herself further and further into the back wall of the bus.

"C'mon bug, you need to put them on. You know it's going to be overwhelming out there."




Leah tilted her head in confusion as the girl kept trying to back further and further into the side of the bus, attempting to make herself smaller. She sighed reaching for the girl who let out a scream as the older woman moved towards her with her arms outstretched, catching her off-guard as she jumped backwards ever so slightly. The rest of the bus had heard the commotion, turning their heads to watch.

"Jessie where's this coming from? It's just me. It's just Leah."

She could only watch as her younger sister began to shake her head slightly, building up in pace and speed as she continued shaking it. The girls each began to make their way off the bus, attempting to ignore the situation as they walk past, before Mary, who sat the furthest by the back of the bus, moved forwards just to shut the blinds from the windows before standing next to Leah.

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