I've got you kiddo

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"What on earth are you doing?"

"Seeing if I can lick my nose"

"You look ridiculous Jessie"

"Well, so do you?"

"I'm not trying to lick my nose, I'm driving?"


The sister duo were on their way to London, with Leah booked in for a photo shoot for a footballing magazine. Beth and Viv had found themself booked up on the same date, as were the rest of the girls on the Arsenal team, and with nobody else that Jessica had learnt to trust enough in St Albans, Leah found herself having to take the younger girl with her. They had planned for Jess to be able to sit in the corner of the same room Leah was in, and sit in a corner to safely read her book. Each of them had their own minor concerns, but knew that whilst Jess was near to Leah, it would all be fine.

"Can you at least just like, try and lick your nose?"

"I'm driving kid."

"Yeah? And?"

"What happens if my tongue distracts me?"

"That is a wild statement to make Leah, why would your tongue distract you from driving?"

"I don't know, what happens if I don't see it coming."

"Don't see it coming??? It's your tongue! How can you not see your tongue coming?"


"There is absolutely no explanation for that, don't even try and dig yourself out that hole Le."

"You brought it up kid."

"Yeah because car journeys are so boring."

"We've been in the car for 10 minutes. We travel further than this for training."

"So, so boring."

Leah rolled her eyes at her younger sisters impatience, before going to ask her question,

"How are you feeling about today?"


"You know, the photo shoot and all?"

"Well they're not taking photos of me, so I'm not all that bothered"

"I'm glad, but you know if you are-"

"But I'm not Leah. Honest. You're going to be there, so it'll be fine."

She grinned at her younger sisters response, leaning across to ruffle Jessica's hair whilst keeping her eyes on the road, aware of her sisters groan in response.

"Really? I just brushed my hair Le."

"Didn't look like it Little Lion."

They found themself joking the whole drive into London, with the most common occurrence being Leah teasing Jess because of some of the most random of comments she hade. It took them a 45 minute drive till they reached the photo shoot sight, Leah hopping out the car with all of her make-bags, clothing, and personal bags, Jess with nothing. She reached across to grab Leah's hand, as she skipped inside, Leah just walking alongside her.

"Jessie could you-"


"You don't even know what im going to ask."

"Please, let me re-enact what I think you were about to ask,
Jessie I'm all old and frail, and I really need your help because I'm just to weak please hold a bag"

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