thank you very much kiddo

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Jessica was squished up on the subs bench, firmly in between Jen and Kyra, her ear defenders kept over her head. Her head was laid resting on Jen's shoulder, as she attempted to watch the game in front of her, sleep slowly taking over her entire body. She felt Jen's hand slowly stroke up and down her arm as the stadium erupted, digging herself further into Jen as the team began to make their way out. Jessica lifted her head slightly, searching the line for her older sister as she met Leah's eyeline, sending a small grin her way, one which was met by a small wave from the older woman, who sent a grin back at her. It was enough to make Jessica content, leaning back down to rest her head on Jen's shoulder.

"Happy now, wee bairn?"

"Yeah" was all she smiled back with, returning back to her original position. She forgot how proud she was to watch her big sister walk out with the Arsenal, emphasized by the fact that it was even in the Emirates stadium. Jen reached across, pulling the Arsenal blanket and coat the Jessica was wrapped up in even further up, allowing the young girl to get comfortable in her seat.

"Not feeling the need to go up and join in, huh Joey?" (as in like, the baby kangaroo innit)

"Does it look like I can go up and play football with a bunch of middle aged, experienced footballers, Kyra?"

Kyra let out a hearty laugh at the young girl's quick response, exemplifying even further at Jen's look of disgust.

"I am NOT middle aged, thank you very much kiddo."

"I didn't necessarily specify you Jen, but now you mention it..."

"Brilliant, just brilliant. Did you hear what she just called us Cloe?" Jen shouted across, gaining the Canadian player, who was sat just to the side of them, attention. She leant across, shuffling herself to sit up further,

"No, no I think you'll find us Canadians, we just look older than our actual age, I'm still 19 at heart."

That set all the girls off into laughter, Cloe's frank tone even giving Jessica a little giggle, before she leant back down to rest her head back onto Jen's shoulder, as the entire bench took a serious turn. It had just reached time for kick off, and none of the girls were willing to miss a single second of such a big game.


A late goal from Meado counterbalanced an Erin Cuthbert goal as they ended the first half in a draw, the girls all piling into the changing rooms, hot and sweaty. Jessica remained outside with the subs, deciding to not intrude on what would be a  heightened team talk in the changing rooms. She managed to reach down to give her sisters hand a slight squeeze as she walked past, but inevitably remained outside in the busy stadium. All of the subs began to pile down and onto the pitch, grabbing balls as they began to pass to each other, Jessica remaining where she was. The girl became so focused in on watching the girls at the pitch that she had failed to notice the building crowd of fans building up around the subs bench, whispering to each other.

"maybe she's just one of those lucky fans"

"I'd love to do that"

"I bet it's just because she's special"

"innit she's got those weird head things on. and did you see her have a whole tantrum when she got off the bus"

"she looks about 4 and acts like it"

Jessica's awareness of the girls was none the wiser, fortunately for everybody. It was only when one of the physios, Rose, who was sat behind Jessica, working logistics out, steered the young girl away from the benches that she realised something was happening.

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