Not trouble, chaos kiddo

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Jonas blew his whistle, the girls all sweaty from the small-sided match. It had been a tough one, Beth had taken some wicked shots, and Katie went in for some crunching tackles, but all in all, Leah had enjoyed the game. She went around, shaking the girl's hands, or in Katie's case, ruffling their hair, making sure not to miss anybody out, before making her way over to her little sister on the bench. Leah knew that Jessica had been watching the whole game, even if she had been pretending to read her book, she didn't expect any less from the young girl. She made her way over, some of the girls in pursuit behind her, wrapping her arms around Jessica as she reached her.

"You smell"

"Ah, cheers for that kid."

"No, Leah, genuinely, you stink"

"Yep, you mentioned."

"Well, let me go then"

"Can't do that bug"

"But you smell"

"Even more reason to keep hold of you, am I right?"

"No, you're not right."

Jessica wiggled her way out of Leah's embrace, before giggling at her older sisters false expression of hurt. She knew Leah was just playing. Wasn't she? She didn't have enough time to contemplate her thoughts, as Lia and Lotte came and sat themselves next to the pair.

"God Leah you smell" Lotte retorted

"That's what I said!"

"Wait, do I really?" Leah questioned the girls. It was one thing for her sister to make the comment, but she had not expected it from her teammates, feeling her face begin to flush.

"Nah, you're all good, we just heard Jess here complaining and wanted to join in."

Leah laughed at her friends antics, playfully shoving them as Jessica sat in-between them, laughing at the Arsenal girls. They were all sat together, Leah's arm laying across Jess shoulders, Lotte by her side, and Lia by Jess' side. The older girls started talking about the tactics of the training session, Lotte and Leah discussing the defence with Lia adding input from a midfield perspective, with Jess just sat happily listening along. That is, until she noted Katie gesturing at her from a distance. She couldn't quite work out what she was mouthing, but she looked slightly weird, throwing her hands around wildly. Jessica just sat, and raised an eyebrow, until she decided that it would be easier for everybody if she just went to Katie. She stood from the bench, stretching her arms out as she did so.

"Where you off to kiddo?"

"Katie, she's waving at me really weirdly"

Leah just chuckled at how blunt her sister had been, before saying,

"Alright, just please, Jessie, no trouble."

"What exactly do you mean by that Le?"

"You know exactly what I mean."

"Do I? I think that everybody has different perceptions of trouble, each per-"


"Yeah, yeah I got it, no trouble, don't you worry Le."

"I'm worried."

"I said don't be!" Jessica yelled, as she wandered off into the distance to find out what Katie wanted, catching glimpse of the eye roll her sister gave her. She stuck her tongue out in return, as she managed to catch up to McCabe, Leah turning back to her friends.

"She seems to be feeling much better than she was this morning" Lia pointed out, something everybody had noticed after the training session.

"Yeah, she's definitely beginning to seem a lot more like herself. I'm just hoping it carries across tonight."

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