Go on kiddo, you got it

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Leah woke up the next day, to find Jessica clinging onto her like a koala. She looked down at the young girl, lips slightly ajar, thumb in her mouth, maintaining her usual sleeping position as she was curled into Leah's side, her hair crazy like a wig, her freckles painting her face. Leah just stayed where she was, soaking up the time with the quickly growing kid, allowing her to feel safe once more. Yesterday was a tough day for her younger sister, and so she knew today needed to be about helping the kid to just get through the day.

She reached across for her phone, which was significantly buzzing on the nightstand, to be greeted with over thirty messages from her group chat with Keira and Georgia, before receiving an incoming Facetime call. Sighing, she looked to the girl wrapped into the side of her, arms held tightly keeping her in position, as she noted the deep sleep she was in. In the hope that her two loud best friends wouldn't wake her up, Leah hesitatingly accepted the call, waiting for the signal to pick up.

"Leah? LEAH? Good to know you are still alive then."

"Course she was alive G, she literally responded yesterday."

"Does not mean she's still alive."

Leah rolled her eyes at the pair, before going to speak,

"How are you two so awake? It is so early."

"Time zones exist, you see, my poor Leah."

"We are an hour ahead of her G, the girls just lazy."

"I know you did not call your England captain lazy."

"Ah so you have been called up! Glad to see you felt the need to respond!"

"Well it was all slightly hectic last night."


Leah unlocked the door, allowing both herself and the kid into the house. She had given Lia the option to stay the night, given how late it was, but the Swiss international had decided to make the short walk home instead, claiming for it to be beneficial. The older woman let out a slow sigh, as she ran her fingers through the now asleep, young girls hair, before slowly going upstairs to place her in her bed, then making her way back downstairs to text Sarina. It had completely skipped her mind, that it had been call up day, so she frantically text the England manager to regain some form of what must've been lost respect, having not picked up her boss' call and all, only to be met with an incoming call once more, from Sarina.

"Sarina, I'm so sorry-"

"Do not panic, Leah, I understand."

"It's just my little sister had a meltdown and I couldn't disturb her because I just had her regulate, and- well- it's been a long day."

"These things happen, Leah my dear, I understand. I was just calling to let you know that I'd like for you to captain the squad once more in the upcoming friendlies, at home."

Leah felt a smile beam across her face once more.

"Thank you Sarina, thank you so much."

"Nonsense, Leah, you know I think you're an incredible player. Now, I need to ask about rooming arrangements when you're at camp."


"I'm aware that your younger sister has moved in with you due to unforeseen circumstances. Now obviously, we help to cater to all families at the England squad, and so I understand that she may need to attend with you."

"Honestly, Sarina, I hadn't given it much thought, I've just been so preoccupied, I never even thought I'd get the call up. It would be so beneficial if I could bring her, but I completely understand if she can't come, given that she has complex needs and could be a distraction to the girls-"

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