Kiddo we're models

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"Yeah alright, stop coughing now Jess, you've made your point."

"I'm ill Le!"

"This is a bit extra though, don't you think?"

The sister duo had found themself making their way into the London Colney grounds, hand in hand decked out in Arsenal gear. Due to making their way to the Champions League semi-final, the team had a media day, and so had a day off training to be able to partake in it. It also meant, that they had to be absolutely kitted out in the Arsenal merch, and Jessie didn't want to be left out of that.

Leah had arrived already in her full kit, her hair down and straightened with some light natural makeup. Jessie had gone for the authentic Arsenal hoodie and joggers, donning her signature French plaits look that took far too long for Leah to have completed in the morning, finding themselves running slightly late. 

Given how busy media day could get, they had also come overly prepared. Both the girls decided that Jess would wear her ear defenders all day, even if she felt she didn't needed them, just for ease of pressure, as well as packing a lot of Lego and fidget toys to keep her preoccupied. Leah had also ensured to bring medicine and rather a lot of drinks for the young girl; despite mostly being better, she was still fairly unwell. 

They entered the main hall at the London Colney grounds, which was already packed out with hundreds of people; camera people, interviewers and journalists, Arsenal employees, and the occasional team member spotted around the room. Leah was grabbed almost immediately after stepping foot into the room, being a rather popular figure for media day given her role and fame within the squad, kneeling down to place a soft kiss on Jess' head.

"Right, I'm off. You can go and find some of the girls, I'm sure they'd love to see you, you could come and sit with me, do some Lego, whatever you're comfy with bug."

She just smiled in response. If this were any other place, Jess would be stuck to her sisters side like glue, but this wasn't just any place. The past few months of her life were spent at the Arsenal grounds, she knew it inside, out, and truthfully it was her second home. The people, and the place. So, she found herself just wandering round the hall, observing all the different activities going on. They had come into the London Colney grounds calm, and relaxed, Leah having explained everything to Jess on what to expect and what she could do. She was ready and prepared for the day.

Kimmy was filming a serious sit down interview at one side of the room, with Manu and Sabs filming a GK union video beside her. Nearby to them, was an instagram reel challenge being taken of Gio, Ke and Teyah, each of them having to do different skills. The three of them gave the girl a small wave when they noted her presence, which she returned with a smile, before turning on her heels, to be noticed by a rather loud trio mid photo shoot.

"Kiddo! OI, it's kiddo!"

"Aye kiddo!"

"C'mere kiddo!"

Jess let out a small giggle at the amount of times she was called, lightly jogging to the otherside of the room where Beth, Steph and Jen were all doing some form of impromptu photoshoot. The man behind the camera looked done with their antics, as they all went to give the young girl a small hug when she approached.

"Uhm, what are you doing?"

"Photoshoot kiddo, we're models."

"No, I'm a model. God knows what Beth and Jen are doing."

"That's SO offensive Steph, we're posing!"

"Didn't you literally just drop Beth after carrying her as a pose?"

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