that was never a yellow kiddo

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"Welcome to the final meeting of the season girls. You just need to make it another 45 minutes and then you've all managed to get through the entire season without falling asleep in a meeting, which is progress."

It had been a week since Jess' seizure at the match. After a couple of days, she quickly returned to her usual self, despite being a little bit more on edge than usual, shared with her older sister. It was too be expected; they were both just grateful to be able to continuing their day to day life.

They were at the final training session of the season for the girls. There final match against Leicester was in 2 days time, and it was a must win game. If they were to win it, the girls had won the league title. 

For the final time, they were all in the meeting room, waiting to be able to scout out the opposition, and hear Jonas deliver his final team talk on the tactics they were going to deploy in order to take the win.

As always, Jess was tucked away at the back corner of the room. The meetings were always boring, and weren't much to hold Jess' interest. She much preferred to sit to the side and work through her sudoku, listening to music. Most of the girls usually found themselves jealous of the small girl, today being no different.

The meetings never lasted long for her, sliding her earphones out just as she heard Jonas begin to wrap it up.  

"Thank you for having such an incredible season girls. Each and everyone of you have really shown up this season and it's been incredible watching you play. I have every faith you can all go out there and win it."

A round of applause erupted round the room, met with a couple cheers from some of the girls as they wrapped up their final meeting. By the time Jess had packed up most of her stuff, the majority of the team had already stood from their chairs, beginning to make their way out to the pitches in their little groups. 

Majority of them were laughing away, looking forward to their final game of the season. Some of them were joking around, others excited to finish up training, though most of their conversations entailed the upcoming world cup, a certain competitiveness rising in the squad.

Leah had waited for her to finish packing her stuff, slinging her arm round the small girls shoulders as they headed out to the pitches, joined by Steph and Lotte, who had also waited for the sister duo to join up with them. 

"I'll be able to show you guys round some of the coolest parts of Aussie, if England make it that far into the competition that is."

"Looking forward to it already Steph, you know, because we'll be lifting the trophy and all."

"No way, in Aussie territory the Tillies are the only winners."

Their fighting talk was all that could be heard the entire walk out to the pitches, Jess still able to hear it even when they split away, the twelve year old having to take herself to sit at her designated bench at the side.

As always, she sat and watched in awe at the level of football that was being played by the team, despite only being a training session. It was a simple warm up being ran, the girls passing in triangles, but the pace and technique it happened at, all the whilst they were laughing away and engaging in casual conversation was incredible to Jess.

 It carried across into their rondos, and then further into their training drills, Jess loosing all care for the new Lego set she had brought with her. Watching Beth pass the ball through Kyra's legs, and Lotte chip the ball over Stina's head was her entertainment for the day, simply watching in awe at it all happen.

She was so zoned out for practically the entirety of the training session, that she didn't notice Jonas making his way over to her from the opposite side of the pitch, nor him laughing at her drooling face for a few moments, having to let out a cough in attempt to gain her attention.

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