don't swear around kiddo

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Opening her eyes, Viv quickly realised that she had fallen asleep beside Jess in the spare bedroom, the small girl still fast asleep beside her, with her ear defenders resting comfortably over her head.

Sunlight was beginning to weep in through the curtains they had pulled, the star project no longer the only source of light in the room. Reaching for her phone, Viv simply scrolled through her notifications, careful to not wake up Jess.

She hadn't planned to fall asleep beside her, but she didn't mind. Anything to keep her settled. 

Deciding to let Jess sleep in for the day, she carefully moved herself to get out of bed, swinging her legs to hop out, wrapping the duvet further round Jess. Her movement made the small girl stir a little, but she quickly calmed back down, cuddling herself back into the duvet.

The movements from the bedroom alerted the puppy however, who was clearly already wide awake, scratching at the door. Viv quietly crept, opening the door, careful to avoid letting the spaniel into the room. She didn't want to risk waking up Jess, and she knew Myle would jump straight onto the bed as soon as she got in there.

To distract the dog, who was clearly aware to the presence of another individual still in bed, Viv moved through to fill her food bowl in the kitchen, which quickly gained her attention. It allowed Viv to get started on making the breakfast for the day, the forward not being one to enjoy just sitting down and relaxing, as opposed to her other half, who was still undoubtedly in bed. 

Once assured with the dog being settled, she then moved onto answering the bombardment of messages she had received from a certain captain of the England women's football team, reassuring her to the safety of her sister, and that she was still calmly asleep. 

Even after the half an hour Viv had been awake, there was no signs of life coming from either of the girls staying in the house, settling for beginning to make breakfast instead. She knew of the importance of keeping Jess' breakfast the same, starting to cut up the fruits into cubes, how she knew the young girl liked it, and then began to prepare the cereals for both herself and Beth. They were simple, when it came to their enjoyment of cuisine.

Enough time had passed for Viv to go in and check on her partner, comfortable with having prepped everything ready for when they were each awake. Calling for Myle, who jumped to follow her, she went back upstairs, pushing the door to her bedroom open, having been left slightly ajar. She could've sworn it was shut fully when she went downstairs.

She was quickly met to the reason the bedroom door was slightly ajar, a small girl having made herself comfortable in the queens size bed, alongside her partner. 

Beth was sat with her arms round the small girl, her phone in her other hand as she aimlessly scrolled through her social medias, Jess being content simply snuggled next to Beth, the contact more than enough for her.

"I left you in bed little miss, how'd you get here?"

"I hopped."

It was a fair answer for her to have given, her eyes practically half open as she was clearly adjusting to being awake, a small yawn escaping from her lips as she finished her sentence. 

They spent a calm few moments together, the three of them, just soaking in the calm, time quickly catching up to them. They had to head off to training, and the two adults knew they had to make a little extra time, given they had a 12 year old with them today, which may prove to be more challenging than when it was just the two of them.

The morning ran fairly smoothly, though. Beth ended up carrying Jess downstairs to the kitchen for her breakfast, deciding that it was far too early in the morning to even put the boot on, and wasn't worth the hassle of the wheelchair for only a few steps. It was only breakfast, after all.

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