hope to not see kiddo again

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"Right then you, are you ready to get going?"

The day had come for Jess to be able to leave the hospital, and go home. 

After multiple final checks that morning, looking at her heart rate, oxygen levels, and the healing of her cuts and scars, the medical professionals were happy with how everything was healing, giving the green light for the process to continue at home. 

Leah had all of the seizure training she needed for Jess, when the inevitable time would come. She also knew how to change the dressing on her arm, and how best to care for the cast on her leg; if she weren't a football player, she may as well have been a nurse at that point.

They had set the wheelchair up just beside the bed, alongside a small suitcase which was filled with everything they had used to turn the hospital room into their home for the past few weeks. It felt slightly bittersweet that they were leaving, but both the sisters were grateful for it. 

"Let's get you in then"

It was a manoeuvre they had practiced for the past few days, similar to how it was whenever Leah used to pick up Jess. From the sitting up position in her bed, Leah had to slide her right arm underneath her younger sisters legs, and her left arm on the lower part of her back, before making the small carry across and into the wheelchair.

As she moved her arms to be in position, a small wince came from Jess, her body still sore from after all the trauma she had experienced. The grimace remained on her face as she was transferred across, but had lessened since the first time she was moved into her wheelchair.

Leah still felt awful. 

The movement luckily only took a few moments before Jess was sat in her wheelchair, Leah tucking a thin blanket round her legs, given that they were leaving slightly later in the evening. She knelt just in front of Jess, placing a soft kiss on her head, before leaning back slightly, giving her a small smile. 

Their shared moment was quickly interrupted by Nurse Julia announcing her arrival, bursting into the room. The older woman had insisted on coming to wave the two of them off, having been the one to be by both their sides through the entire time they were in hospital.

Leah stood back slightly, letting the nurse come to be by Jess' side first. It hadn't taken long in her hospital stay for her younger sister to grow fond of the nurse, and quite frankly, Leah could see exactly why. 

A small grin came onto Jessica's face, as she opened her arms slightly, welcoming Nurse Julie to come in, and bend down slightly to give her a hug. The two remained in each others arms, the older woman swaying a bit whilst hugging her. Tears filled Leah's eyes ever so slightly before she swallowed them back, grateful for the support that was given to Jess whilst she was in hospital.

Nurse Julie pulled back from the hug, taking a closer look into Jess' eyes, as she went to speak.

"Now, strictly speaking, as a nurse you're not meant to have favourites, but you, my dear, have been the best."

Both the Williamson's let out a small laugh at the confession, catching each others eyes for a slight moment.

"Even when you were a pain in my ass, Jessica Williamson, and the cheekiest little one ever, you still found a way to make my day. That does not however, mean I want to see you here, ever again, so please, kid, stay out of trouble."

"That won't be easy, have you met kiddo?"

The older woman stood from where she was knelt, turning her body to stand beside Leah. She wrapped her arms around the younger woman, who towered over her, pulling her into an even tighter hug as well. 

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