a chaotic night without kiddo

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Leah had to take a deep breath as she shut the door to Beth and Viv's house, almost forcing herself to take the steps down to her car.

As soon as she sat down into the drivers seat, she took a moment to herself, focusing on the things she could see, hear and smell, ensuring to take a few breaths so that she could bring herself back down.

It was a massive deal to Leah, leaving her younger sister to stay, but she had to keep reminding herself that Jess would be safe, and cared for. And that her second favourite person in the world was waiting for her.

Pulling her phone out her pocket, she sent a quick text in response to Lia,

Lia❤️: heading over now x

Leah❤️: just dropped jessie off at Beth and Viv's so should be home in a few minutes, see you then x

Before placing her phone back down, and turning the engine to her car on. She took one final look through the window into Beth and Viv's house, just about making the outline of her sister on the sofa, knowing she was okay, pulling away as she did so.

It was only a short drive from the Meadema's back to her house, but it gave her just enough time to run through almost every scenario that could possibly occur, ranging from Jess forgetting her socks, to a zombie apocalypse breaking out and leaving the world in ruins. There was no such thing as a, "minor situation" when it came to her younger sister.

What would happen if they couldn't get in contact if Jess needed her? What would happen if she had a seizure and they had to call an ambulance? What would happen if Jess was overwhelmed and they couldn't calm her down?

Her thoughts didn't stop racing as she pulled into her driveway, not missing the Mini that was already parked up outside. The shutting noise of her own car door was mirrored by Lia, shutting her own, noticing that the midfielder was already dressed up for their night out. She gave her a smile as she went up to unlock the front door, holding it open for the midfielder to walk through, following her into the living room.

"Right okay, I'm uhm, I'm not ready yet so if you want to take a seat whilst I just go and get everything sorted and then-"

Leah couldn't stand still as she spoke, moving about in her spot, bending down and then up straight, her head turning in all directions. Her movements were disgruntled by the Swiss stepping closer forwards to her, taking a grab of both her hands, forcing her attention to be moved onto Lia, and purely Lia.

"We don't have time for you to start making out with me in the living room, if that's what you're about to do Wälti."

"As much as I want to, because you look hot when you're stressed, that's not what that is. Leah, breathe, love."


"I don't think I've seen you stop to take a breath since coming through this door. Breathe."

Demonstrating a breath, Lia overexaggerated her own action, hoping that Leah would copy her, waiting to see the colour return to the English woman's face.

"She's safe, love, she's okay. Viv and Beth have her, if anyone's best with her, it's them. What do you need?"

She noted the defender go shy, her eyes turning down to the fiddling with her fingers, attempting to prompt her once more for what she needed, her heart breaking at the response.

"I could, uh, I could really do with a hug..."

Lia didn't hesitate. There wasn't even a split second between the words leaving Leah's mouth, and her arms engulfing the younger woman, tightly wrapping themself around her so that even if Leah didn't want a hug, there'd be no way for her to escape. 

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