a chaotic night with kiddo

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"Well, if it isn't our favourite kiddo! And look, there's no wheelchair!"

"Hi Beth, Hi Viv!"

Jess greeted the couple, instantly racing past them into their house, nudging her way through a small gap between the two of them. Sharing a glance, they both laughed, knowing exactly where she's raced off too when hearing the small yaps of glee at her presence.

Closely behind the small girl, stood Leah, having clearly been given the job of carrying the luggage. The rucksack was thrown messily over her shoulder, alongside a larger bag, the zip bursting at the seam of it, dragging the collapsed wheelchair behind her.

She greeted the two of them with a small hug, happy to see her teammates, despite having only spent the day at training with them the day before. They assisted the defender with moving the small girls stuff so that it was inside their house, remaining beside the front door.

"Thank you so much for watching her tonight girls, honestly."

"It's no problem Leah, we love her. Looks like she's packed to stay for a week though with all that."

"Ah, no that's me packing for her. I left her to pack her own things, let me tell you, it's a good think I checked. The kid literally just threw a hoodie and her stuffed toy in there."

"Sounds like our kiddo."

"I've got everything clothes wise in that bag there."

She pointed towards the larger back pack, both Beth and Viv turning to take note of it,

"It's got one of my jumpers in it for when she goes to sleep. She's had a settled few days, so I think she'll be good tonight, but if not honestly-"

"Just call you. We know Leah. You don't need to panic, we have her."

The defender passed a grateful smile over to the two of her teammates, both of them able to read her panic like a book. 

Leah had never left her sister to stay with other people over night before at home, voluntarily. The only time she's ever spent more than a night away from her younger sister since moving in with her, was when she was in hospital. So, when Lia suggested a night together for the two of them, to say she panicked was an understatement.

"Obviously I've got the wheelchair, in case you guys want to go out at all. She's got the boot, but she shouldn't put too much pressure on it. Truthfully, she'll just end up convincing you to carry her."

"Well, we're never going to say no to carrying her, are we?"

"I think she might have the two of you wrapped round her little finger."

"I think she has all of us wrapped round her little finger Le, look at her."

The three adults all turned to see the kitchen, where the small girl was laid across the floor, the spaniel on top of her. Myle was licking Jess' face, gaining a hearty laugh from her that didn't seem to be stopping any time soon, Jess not even trying to avoid the puppy.

Leah knew she was in good hands with Beth and Viv. The two of them had convinced her to accept the night with Lia, knowing that Leah needed a break. Everything had been incredibly tough on her as well, but it was never acknowledged quite as much.

Initially, Leah was reluctant. Given Jess' new diagnosis, the increase in her meds, and the complexity of her needs, she didn't want to spend any more time away from her than needed. But, after a lot of convincing from the couple, and several promises of contact in any sort of emergency, as well as an enforced training session from the physio team on how to appropriately handle seizures and administer medication, Leah hesitantly agreed.

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