It's actually alright here kiddo

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Jessica's leg was bouncing as she sat in the back of a hire car, Alessia next to her, with Beth and Leah opposite her. They had already been in the car for over 2 hours now and were expecting to arrive to camp any minute. The two opposite had been joking the whole time, Alessia contributing every now and then, but Jessica had found herself too wrapped up in her own mind to even listen to what was going on around her; they were on their way to England camp, and to say Jess was nervous was an understatement. She hadn't really met any of the Lionesses, nor been to St George's Park, it was all a lot for her little brain to try and process. Her hands moved to begin to pick at the skin around her fingers, the movement quickly picked up by her older sister, who moved her hand over Jess'.

"You're okay bug, I promise you."

The younger girl could only offer a weak smile in response to her older sister, as she kept her hand over hers, before signalling to Alessia, who reached her arm across Jessica's shoulders. She appreciated the comfort, finding herself shuffling closer to the strikers warmth, resting her head against her shoulder as she rubbed her hand up and down Jessica's arm. Leah had reached into her bag to subtly grab a fidget toy for her younger sister, all the whilst carrying on her conversation with Beth which had managed to change onto the topic of how Viv had burnt all the dinner yesterday.

"I thought Viv's the one that cooks in your house?"

"Well no, Leah, it's clearly me otherwise the whole kitchen wouldn't have practically almost burnt down yesterday, would it?"

"Wouldn't put it past you Beth."

"That's not fair."

"Isn't it? You brought a cremated pie to my house."


Beth didn't have enough time to finish her sentence as the car came to a halt outside of St George's park, the young girl finding her small body to begin to tremble as the passenger door slid open, further feeling herself panic as Alessia removed her arm from the young girls shoulder, being the first to hop out the car and grab her bag, followed by Beth. Jessica turned her head only to find her older sister offering her hand as she made the move to also hop out, Jess just staying where she was.

"Look, Jessie, I'm still here. I'll still be there when we go in. It's me and you, remember? Nothing to worry about. The girls are all lovely anyway."

She took some time to just process Leah's statement, her older sister rubbing her thumb along the back of her hand as she gave her the time she knew she needed. After a couple minutes, the girl hesitatingly took Leah's hand, following her as they each hopped out the hire car. Beth and Alessia had already gone to the liberty of taking their bags out of the car, both of them passing a warm smile as the sister duo went together to pick up their bags.

"Most of the girls are already in the common room Le, they've all checked in, so it should be quiet when you and Jess go past."

"Thanks Less, we really appreciate it."

It gave the young girl some comfort, to know that she wouldn't be immediately crowded as soon as she entered, slowly trailing after her sister as they went through the glass double doors. They entered a large entrance hall, a ceiling that held a chandeleir in the centre hung over them. Pillars surrounded the infrastructure, withholding the large room, with players faces plastered on the sides of them, covering the marble walls. Jess gripped her sisters hand a little tighter, as a young woman approached in England gear.

"Ah Leah, lovely to see you again. So, we've got your room keys sorted out. You and Jessica will each have individual rooms that are directly next door to each other, so you'll be able to access any time you want, you're in the usual room as you are for most camps. We are also able to provide you with a key to Jessica's room as well, should you feel it necessary."

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