let me talk to kiddo

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She could only watch as the innocent little eyes in front of her fluttered open ever so slightly, a moment so simple that had it had been anyone else in the room, they probably wouldn't have noticed.

It wasn't anybody else in the room though, it was Leah, and she knew her sister inside out.

She knew the young girls quirks better than anyone, the most simple of movements having interpretations beyond deep for Leah. She knew what each facial expression, each finger movement would mean for her younger sister.

So, despite her own excitement, but anxiety at the increasing monitors going off in their closed off room, the eye crinkles by Jess' eyes that showed her own panic lead to her racing to be by the young girls side, making the instant movement of running her finger through the girls hair, leaning down so that they were almost face to face.

"It's alright bug, you're okay."

Remaining close by her sister, she moved to the side, letting some of the doctors filter into the room. She wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but Leah's entire focus went onto her baby sister, which was growing more and more difficult when the medical staff began to come in.

Jess' eyes were all over the place, clearly unaware to her surroundings. They were jumping, from doctor, to monitor, to herself, and her own hospital gown, struggling to take her own breaths of air as they began to assess her once more. She threw her hands to feel around her face, before realising the wires and tubes connected to her, trying her best to tug out the oxygen nose than ran under her nose. After doing so successfully, she moved her left hand to try and tear out the IV in her right, clearly growing more and more anxious.

"She's agitated, someone administer the sedative."

The older woman only watched as her younger sister grew more and more frustrated, hitting away any doctor that even tried to go near her, crying out in pain with any move she made, her eyes wide in panic. It was a lot for Leah to watch, interfering when she heard the sedative. Her younger sister didn't need to be put back to sleep, not again.

"Wait, no-"

All the doctors and medical staff look up at Leah's interference, the woman having stood back for the majority of the time, looking at her impatiently as she pushed her way to the young girls bedside. Her appearance, unlike the others, wasn't hit away by the young girl, who was now crying out in pain on her bed, her hand pulling at the tubes.

"Let me talk to her."

"Miss Williamson, we still don't know the full extent to her injuries, she could be exacerbating them by getting herself frustrated, we need to administer a sedative-"


"It's vital that-"

"Oh bloody hell just let the woman speak to her younger sister. The girls clearly wound up and needs comfort." 

Leah's head snapped in the direction of the words, seeing the smaller body of Nurse Julie push her way to the front. Despite being significantly smaller than the rest of the health professionals in that room, her presence was a commanding, and dominating one, all of the doctors nodding.

"We're going to get the benzodiazepine"

And with that, a small gap opened up closer by to Jess' bedside, one of the doctors rushing out to grab what Leah could only assume was a sedative. She didn't have enough time to thank Julie, making the mental note to do so later, moving as quick as she could to be closer to Jess, making her face known.

Crouching down ever so slightly, Leah placed her hand over Jessica's softly moving it away from the tube that she was trying so hard to pull out. The movement wasn't fought against, the young girls body still weakened by the trauma she had experienced, allowing Leah to be able to keep it away. 

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