The Beginning

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Once upon a time... a baby appeared in Universe 11 she wasnt born in that universe she just appeared in it... she ends up on Jirens doorstep literally. Jiren was hesitant on raising the child but he decides to do it anyways cause Toppo was terrible with children, he then decides to train her too eventually become a very powerful being what Jiren did not know however... is that this baby will become the next God of Destruction for Universe 7

Jiren: a-a child..?

The baby Sayain cooes and giggles at Jiren

Jiren: Hello..? Is this some kind of joke?

Jiren looks around but he dosen't see anyone at all he then looks at the child and gets ready to walk away

Jiren: tch... this is wasting my time...

The baby cried and Jiren feels bad so he sighs and goes back to the child, he picks her up and looks for a name but couldn't find one...

Jiren: hm... Alright fine... i will raise you but i will not treat you as my child...

The baby laughs and smiles as Jiren gives a soft smile, a few weeks later and Jiren has trouble cause the baby is very eratic which means he can't really train as much but at least he was keeping the child safe, he even gave her a name, a few years later and Jiren finally gets the chance to train cause the child is in bed as soon as Jiren starts training, the kid wakes up and goes downstairs to see her adopted father training

Kaylett: oooohhhh so cool!

At this point Kaylett is 4, anyways Jiren stops training to see the child watching him

Jiren: how much of that did you see..?

Kaylett: that was sooooo cool papa!

Jiren: i told you to stop calling me that...

Kaylett looked down and poked her fingers together, Jiren face palmed then looked at Kaylett and then had an idea

Jiren: would you like to train too?

Kaylett: really?! Yesh please!!!

Jiren actually smiles as he teaches Kaylett how to fight eventually when she turns 7 shes able to challenge Jiren, shes still not enough to beat him BUT she is now majorly powerful shes as strong as Vegeta was in the Cell saga already and shes just a child, Jiren was already very proud even if he couldn't control the child he felt a need to protect them and provide for them, one day Kaylett was exploring Jirens planet when all of a sudden she was attacked by a dinosaur, she stumbled back as the T-rex roared she didnt know what to do but be frightened, as the dinosaur was about to stomp on her Jiren catches Kaylett and kills the T-rex

Jiren: Any scratches or bruises..?

Kaylett shakes her head and Jiren was somewhat relieved

Kaylett: that dinosaur was so scary... why did it attack me?

Jiren: most things in this universe do not care for eachother, they will kill at any cost to survive... im sorry you had to witness that...

Kaylett gets up and looks at Jiren

Kaylett: Teach me!

Jiren looked suprised

Jiren: H-How to kill..? No... thats too violent... i may kill but thats to defend myself... you..? Well... perhaps you should take a diffrent route than me...

Kaylett was confused but nonetheless Jiren taught her how to be nice and to show true justice... this made Kaylett feel special inside and she noticed she liked being nice and she liked being productive, about 6 years later when Kaylett turns 14 she trains with Jiren this time finally knocking him down

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