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Trunks wakes up and looks around. He's super confused. The last thing he was doing was playing a board game with Mai (remember this isn't Mai from the future. This is present Trunks and present Mai)

Trunks: Mai?! Hello?! Is there anyone there?!

Trunks looks around again and sees some explosions in the distance, the whole place started rumbling then he realized he was on planet Namek, he flies over to the explosions and sees Goku the first Super Sayain and Emperor Frieza

Trunks: What the-?! Why am i here?! I shouldn't be here!

Frieza: Be happy! Actually, no... be fearful... for you have the ability to witness my full power... I'll kill you like i killed that bald headed freak...

Goku: Are you talking about Krillin..? DONT YOU DARE TALK ABOUT KRILLIN!

Goku and Frieza fights as both of their power is suprisingly even, Trunks notices something off about their fight as he sees Friezas eyes turn red and he starts turning the tables on Goku, Frieza grabs Gokus throat and throws him and then he fires 2 death slicers, Goku was about to get cut in half but then Trunks goes full power Super Sayain and catches Goku getting him out of the slicers range

Goku: What the hell?! Are you a Super Sayain, too?

Trunks: Nows not the time for that! We have to defeat Frieza!

Goku: Right...

Trunks thinks i think i went back in time, but how? I guess im like my future self now, but i can't ruin the timelines cause then everything will be destroyed... thank Kami Rose, who told me all about time travel and how my future self is a real hero... if he can be a hero... then i can, too!

Goku: How do we do this..? Our power between him is unmatched...

Trunks: I'll attack first, im a full powered Super Sayain, which means we are evenly matched. You just stay back and gain your strength back. If i get defeated, it's your turn got it?!

Goku: understood...

Trunks rushes at Frieza, and they float in the air for a bit

Frieza: Another Super Sayain?! How?!

Trunks: Prepare to see the ultimate power of a full powered Super Sayain!

(The reason im giving this Trunks full powered Super Sayain is cause Trunks trained Super Sayain more than anyone else did during GT so dont go complaining now) Frieza and Trunks battle it out and sure enough their power matched which made the battle long enough Goku noticed that time was running out and that the planet was about to explode so he decided to jump in and help Trunks out

Trunks: Hey, what the heck?! I told you to stay back!

Goku: There's no time! The planets are about to explode! We have to defeat him now and get out of here!

Trunks realized that Goku was right, but then Trunks also realized that Goku had another power up besides Super Sayain

Trunks: Goku! You have to trust me on this!

Goku: I dont know how you know my name, but if it gets us out of here faster, then shoot!

Trunks: You have to stack Kaioken on top of Super Sayain!

Goku: I dont know how to do that

Trunks: Just focus super hard, okay? I'll buy you some time!

Trunks flies over to Frieza and starts rapidly starts punching Frieza rapidly, but he blocks all the attacks while Goku tries stacking Kaioken on top of Super Sayain


Goku screams as a gaint red aura stacks on top of his golden aura!

Goku: KAIOKEN ×3!

Trunks sees Goku, who actually managed it but then gets punched in the face by Frieza, and then he grabs Trunks by the throat

Frieza: DIE!

Trunks feels his life slipping away as he powers down, but then Goku one punches Frieza in the face, and he gets launched into the stratosphere

Trunks: N-Nrgh.. y-you did it Goku..!

Goku: Thanks... i can't keep this up for long, though... i have to finish this quickly...

Trunks powers down and watches as Goku flies up to Frieza, who starts battling again. The favor is in Goku as he begins winning. He kicks Frieza back into the planet and charges a Super Kamehameha


Goku fires it, and it makes contact with Frieza



Frieza gets defeated amd Goku flies off looking for Trunks but then he realized he disappeared cause his ki was gone, so then he looked for a way off the planet, Trunks wakes up and looks around he sees his father and sister

Bulla: Trunks! You're okay!

Trunks: What happened?

Vegeta: You were in a deep sleep and wouldn't wake up unless you defeated your nightmare...

Trunks: D-Did you guys go through the same thing?

Bulla: I had to fight Great Ape kid Goku

Vegeta: I fought Beerus...

Trunks: Woah... what about the others?

Vegeta: Everyone is fine. They're easier trying to wake people up or finding a way out

Trunks: Im willing to help!

Vegeta: Good... Let's get to work then...

They get back to work as the remaining four stay asleep. Will they stay like this for all of time?! Find out next time on Dragon Ball!

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