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The next following episodes will be shorts. Yes, it is canon, and you will see why at the end of them

Gohan wakes up to see he's in West City, but... things look very different, the city didn't look advanced anymore people were driving on wheels and the buildings looked brand new

Gohan: What the hell..? Where am i?

Gohan hears some commotion just east of him he decides to go check it out, and sure enough, it was Goku! But wait! Is he a child again? Could it be? The dark dragon balls are back?!

Gohan: Dad? But... why is he a child again?

Gohan looked at who hes fighting, and it looked like an old Namekian. Maybe one of the Namekians turned on them for wreaking havoc on their planet

Gohan: I should go check it out...

Suddenly, Gohan could see a symbol on the Namekians' chest. It was Piccolos symbol!

Gohan: I-Is that Piccolo?! I-I think i know where i am... this is the first time dad fought Piccolo...

King Piccolo: Your time on earth has come to an end, Goku!

Kid Goku: You killed Krillin! You'll pay for that!

Gohan: Krillin? Oh, right... Krillin died fighting one of Piccolos' children...

Goku charges a Kamehameha and blasts it at Piccolo, suddenly... Piccolos eyes glowed with anger and he suddenly back handed the beam with ease, Goku was suprised but then all of a sudden Piccolo appeared behind Goku and kicked him into the ground then he blasted him making a small crater, Goku gets up but Piccolo grabs him by the face and throws him into the air then he blasts Goku with many ki blasts

Gohan: Dad!

Goku falls to the ground unconscious Gohan sees Piccolo about to finish off Goku, he panics as he dosen't know what to do Piccolo is about to fire his blast that will finish Goku but Gohan knocks it away, Piccolo was shocked as he gets knocked away by Gohan

King Piccolo: You dare?! Who are you?!

Gohan: No one of importance... It's just you and me...

King Piccolo: Bring it on then! This earth is mine!

Goku was too weak to stand up

Gohan: Stay down, Da- Goku... I'll take care of this...

Piccolo attacks Gohan with a elbow to the gut but Gohan blocks it and then kicks Piccolo in the face, Piccolo charges an attack by throwing special ki blasts at him blinding him, Gohan looks around but the smoke screen covered the entire area he couldn't see where Piccolo was attacking, suddenly Gohan could sense Piccolo

Gohan: I dont need vision to sense you...

Gohan closes his eyes and eventually finds Piccolos ki which was right behind him, Piccolo yells and attcks Gohan from the back but he dodges it and fires a special beam canon which breaks Piccolos gaurd and injures him heavily, Piccolo realizes hes losing so he tries taking Goku with him but Gohan doesn't allow that instead Gohan gut punches him and makes Piccolo spit up and egg that gets launched very far away, Gohan doesnt know this so he blasts Piccolo with a Kamehameha finishing off the tyrant, Gohan pants a bit

Gohan: Damn... im very out of shape, aren't i? I need to get back into training

Goku wakes up and sees Gohan

Kid Gokh: W-Who are you..?

Gohan: O-Oh me? Im no one!

Kid Goku: Thanks. "No one!" You really helped me out

Gohan: Anytime

Suddenly Master Roshi, Bulma, Yamcha, Tein, and Chiaotzu arrive and see Goku beat up

Yamcha: Who are you?! Are you with that evil dragon?!

Gohan: No, actually, i came to help Goku

Kid Goku: There was this evil man named King Piccolo! He was super strong, but this guy helped me out!

Bulma walks up to Gohan and sees his muscles

Bulma: What's your name hunky boy?~

Gohan was a little shocked but wasn't really surprised

Yamcha: Bulma!

Bulma: What?! Look at him!

Yamcha: Uhhh... yeah, okay, i see your point...

Gohan: S-Sorry, but i really have to go

Roshi: Wait, can we at least know your name?

Gohan thinks of a fake name to give to them, and then he remember his little brother

Gohan: My name is Goten

Roshi: Well, Goten, if it's alright by you, I'd like to train you, i saw your fight with that green man. You were pretty sloppy even if you managed to beat him

Gohan: Haha, no thanks, i usually use my power for defense

Gohan chuckles awkwardly while Bulma tries flirting with him

Gohan: L-Look, i really have to go

Bulma: Aw, dont leave!

Kid Goku: We can help you!

Gohan: As much as i appreciate it, i can't accept it, but thanks for your generosity!

Roshi: Well, goodbye then, thanks for the help

Kid Goku: Yeah! It was really cool meeting you!

Gohan: Same here

Suddenly Gohan starts sparkling and he disappears soon after, Gohan opens his eyes and looks around he realizes hes in a worm hole, he sees the others as well as other Sayains: Goku, Kaylett, Bardock, Pan, Bra, Trunks, Goten, Gine, Rose, Broly, and Vegeta. He was extremely confused. How did they get there?

Gohan: G-Guy?! Guys! Dad! Mom! Pan!

Gohan sees that they aren't waking up

Gohan: Why aren't they listening to me..? Are they going through the same thing..?

Gohan was right... everyone was going through the same thing... and the only way to get out of the worm hole is to work together... but no one is awake, so it's impossible... will Gohan and the others be able to get out..? Tune in next time for Dragon Ball Zero!

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