Ending the Madness

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Kaylett wakes up in Universe 7 and looks around she yawns and leaves the house as she takes in the morning sun she takes in the beautiful view of earth... all of a sudden the skies turn red as blood and the clouds darken as lightning strikes out of them... Kaylett looks around and wonders why this is happening she then sees a person in the middle of the storm... they looked somewhat familiar and yet... she doesnt know why...

???: Hello there Queen...

Kaylett: W-Who are you..?

???: A devil... you dont have to worry about that...

Kaylett is taken a back by the persons boldness as they bow and smirk as if they were about to pull something...

Kaylett: Who. Are. You...

???: Someone you will find out about later... for right now you need to focus on yourself...

Kaylett: W-What do you mean..?

???: Your anger... do you remember the last time you lost control..?

Kaylett: I-I-

???: Exactly... i recommend getting ahold of that... otherwise id have to turn it into a weapon...

Kaylett: W-What?

???: Your foresight holds me back... your lucky... but... soon in time... that forsight will disappear... and i will have control...

Kaylett: A-And what about the fact that i can fight you..?

???: Oho... trust me... you cannot fight true inner anger... one of these days you will give in... or they... will make you...

The person looks up as Kaylett does the same, she sees a person who looked familiar to her old friend fly in and started destroying earth... Kaylett then wakes up from her dream and realized shes in her grand palace with Goku... she gets up and stretches as she then remembers what the person said in her dream... she grips her head and sighs as Zach runs in and jumps on his mother

Zach: Mommy!!!!

Kaylett: Hey sweetie!

Kaylett hugs her son and smiles as Goku walks in with food from Rose

Kaylett: Oh! Whats that hon?

Goku: Its ramen! Rose gave us some!

Kaylett: Aww how nice!

Goku: Ya know its been a few years since weve had any action, wanna go train?

Kaylett: I mean... Zachary is 5 now he could train if he wants to


Goku laughs as Kaylett giggles

Goku: Okay! Lets go train buddy!

Zach: YAAAAAY!!!

Zach and Goku go train in their own personal training room while Kaylett yawns and gets ready for the day. She keeps referring back to her dream... she cant stop thinking about it... but then... there was knocking at the palace doors, she gets dressed, walks to the door, and opens it to see her mother from Universe 0

Kaylett: M-Mom?

Zysa: Lopakate!

Kaylett: I told you my name is Kaylett...

Zysa: S-Sorry, old habits... i heard about your promotion, i just had to come see!

Kaylett: Howd you get here?

Zysa: I asked one of your angel friends to help!

Suddenly Merus shows himself and Kaylett is suprised

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