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Bardock wakes up and is suddenly on the defensive he summons a Riot Javelin in his hand and gets ready to fire it, but then he looks around and realizes he's on earth

Bardock: What am i doing here..?

Bardock noticed Gine and Kakarot were not with him

Bardock: Kakarot! Gine?! Come out!

Bardock hears a lot of fighting, thats when he realizes its Kakarot he immediately flies to the commotion and sees Goku fighting a Golden Frieza, Goku powers up into Super Sayain Blue and they battle

Bardock: Incredible...

Golden Frieza: I must commend you for your efforts... if it weren't for me, you'd be the most strongest in the universe...

Goku: Well, perhaps i dont want to be the strongest!

Bardock: What..? But i thought -

Golden Frieza chuckles and his eyes turn red, Goku notices this and gets into a fighting stance, Frieza instantly appears behind Goku and backhands him into the rubble, Goku gets up and rushes at Frieza attacking him full force but nothing seemed to be working as Frieza just dodged everything

Golden Frieza: Try harder!

Frieza grabbed Goku by the throat with his tail and slammed him into the ground with full force, causing Goku to cough up blood

Bardock: Kakarot!

Bardock rushes in and punches Frieza in the face, pushing him off of Goku

Bardock: Are you alright, Kakarot?

Goku: H-How do you know my Sayain name..?

Bardock: Do you not remember me? It's me, Bardock

Goku: Bardock?

Bardock thinks to himself i think i know what's happening... i was shot back in time cause of that guy with the worm hole... maybe if i defeat Frieza, i can leave and get back to them...

Bardock: FRIEZA!

Golden Frieza: You again?! I killed you along with your stupid planet!

Bardock: It'll take more than that to kill the likes of me!

Golden Frieza: You monkeys are stupidly stubborn!

Bardock and Frieza fight, and the fight seemed to favor Frieza since Bardock was just in his base form, but then Bardock screams and powers up drastically


Bardock powers up into a Super Sayain God

Vegeta: Impossible! A Sayain who can turn into a God without training with God ki!

Bardock and Frieza fight, and it was evenly matched, but then Goku got up, Krillin throws Goku a senzu bean, and he eats it he gains his strength and stamina back and he joins in the fight with Bardock

Bardock: Thanks... but i dont need any help...

Goku: Trust me, this guy is bad news. You'll need my help if you wanna defeat him, plus! I defeated him once before!

Bardock smiles and nods as they both attack Frieza, who pants heavily

Goku: Ah! I see what's happening!

Both Bardock and Goku back away to see Frieza slowly fading in and out of Golden

Bardock: What's happening?

Goku: He can't keep that form up for very long cause of the way it drains his stamina

Bardock: Good... nows our chance!

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