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In another galaxy...

???: You have no idea the kind of pain i have endured...

???: Is that so?! Then you are banished... you will be sent to the weakest planet in the universe... and you will never be seen again...


???: I am your king... you will listen to everything i say...

???: M-My family...

???: -Will be killed...


The man throws a riot javlien at the crowned man but it failed as it was sent right back at him...

???: Your family will be executed for the amount of information you choose to withhold...

???: Hes not strong...

???: What was that..?


???: Is that so..? Then who is the strongest..?

???: The Goddess of Destruction he married...

???: Hm... that is good information... thank you Bardock... your family has been sparred...

Bardock: chuckles your not going to get away with this...

???: Shut your mouth Sayain... i rule you now...

Bardock: Id rather die then to have another rule me!

???: Then so be it...

A couple of gaurds grab Bardock and try to chop off his head but the sword was cut into pieces as a long haired man stood in front of the gaurd dropping the pieces to the ground

Bardock: R-Raditz?!

???: Ah... so this is your other son..?

Bardock: Raditz! Leave now!

Raditz: Tch! If you think i came alone father you are sorely mistaken!

Suddenly Krillin, Piccolo, and Gohan appear out of the shadows and stand behind Raditz

Bardock: Y-Your my sons best friend...

Krillin: Yep! The names Krillin! Dont worry! We'll get ya out!

???: ENOUGH OF THIS! You have wasted too much of my time! HAKAI!

The crowned man points his staff at the group and a small ball of Hakai follows them around, they all dodge it but the ball wouldnt go away, but then a blast comes out of no where erasing the Hakai

???: What?! Impossible!

Goddess of Destruction: Anything is possible... as long as your a God of Destruction...

Kaylett comes out of the shadows with Whis and Goku and the staff that was in the kings hands instantly gravitates towards Whis, he takes the staff into his care and as soon as he turns around he gets a thrashing from Krillin, Gohan, Piccolo, Bardock, and Raditz. Kaylett actually chuckles a bit as Goku wraps his arm around her and smiles, she blushes a bit as the group was done with the thrashing, everyon goes to Whis, Kaylett, and Goku and talk a bit

Bardock: guess im gonna need to find a new home for me and Gine...

Goku: Ya know dad, if you wanna live somewhere you can live with us!

Bardock: I appreciate your help but i dont need it... id like to find my own home

Goku: Whatever you say!

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