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Bulla looks around and sees that she's in the middle of no where, where could she be? Suddenly, a capsule car passed her, but then it stopped and backed up

Bulla: What's happening right now..?

The cars passengers were Yamcha, Kid Goku, Puar, Bulma, and Oolong

Oolong: Woah, hey Bulma! Another you!

Bulla: Um... hi?

Bulma checks Bulla out and sees the resemblance

Bulma: i can see the confusion, but she's obviously a fan, right?

Bulla realized that this was what Rose was talking about. She went back in time

Bulla: U-Uh yeah! Im a big fan of your work! I especially respect your father for inventing augmentations on humans!

Bulma: Wow, you certainly do your research, huh?

Bulla: Yep!

Yamcha: Cmon Bulma! We gotta go find that last dragon ball!

Bulla: O-Oh, maybe i can help you!

Bulma: You know about the Dragon Balls?

Bulla: Yeah! They grant wishes!

Bulma: Well, you're right about that, but it only grants one wish

Bulla: I can tell you whats in them!

Bulma: Oh, okay, welcome aboard then!

Bulla and Bulma get into the capsule car

Kid Goku: Hi! My name is Goku!

Bulla: H-Hi, nice to meet you

Yamcha: The names Yamcha!

Puar: im Puar!

Oolong: Im Oolong

Bulla: Nice to meet you all!

Bulla sweats uncontrollably as she sits next to a younger version of her mother

Oolong: Is something wrong, kid?

Bulla: N-No, nothing is wrong! J-Just nervous!

Bulma: Ah, this is your first time meeting your hero, huh? I know, i know. im pretty amazing

Bulla smiled a bit, but then they arrived at a big castle

Yamcha: Woah, this place is big

Puar: Wow! What i would give to live in this place!

Bulla thinks i think i remember where i am... this is when my mother first started collecting the Dragon Balls. Maybe i can prevent Goku from turning into that big ape thing, wait didnt Rose say not to mess with the timeline? Ugh! This is so confusing!

Bulma: Cmon gang! Let's go get the rest of those Dragon Balls!

Everyone rushes and everything begins as normal, everyone gets knocked out by the gas and Pilaf takes the final Dragon Ball, he announces his intension on ruling the world everyone is shocked that they are trapped in a box that could burn them alive but things go diffrently here

Bulma: I dont want to diiiie!

Kid Goku: Guys! I have an idea!

Bulma: Goku?! You have an idea out of here?!

Kid Goku: Yeah! Hey, you lady person!

Bulla: M-Me?

Kid Goku: Yeah! Can you help me?

Bulla: What do you need help with?

Kid Goku: I can feel your strength! Maybe you can do Kamehameha, too!

Bulla: H-Huh? I can?

Kid Goku: Yeah! If you try hard enough!

Kid Goku teaches Bulla how to do the Kamehameha. She uses it easily as if it's not the first time she's done this

Kid Goku: Wow, you're a natural!

Bulla: Thanks!

Goku and Bulla charge a Kamehameha and aim it at the indestructible wall, then they fire, and it destroys the wall with ease

Kid Goku: Yay! We did it!

Bulma: Wow, good job, new kid!

Bulla: Th-Thanks!


Suddenly, Goku stopped in his tracks. Everyone was confused, but then Bulla saw the moon, and instantly, she remembered why not to look at the moon

Bulla: Everyone! Run!

Bulma: Why?!

Bulla: Goku isn't safe anymore! Just run, trust me!

Everyone runs in diffrent directions as Goku turns into a Great Ape, he had no control over the form so he just flailed his arms around and destroyed the castle, the Pilaf gang tried making their wish in all the commotion but Oolong runs over and makes the wish instead asking for panties instead of something good, meanwhile Puar had no one to hold Gokus tail so that he could snip it off but then Bulla grabbed a hold of Gokus tail with ease

Bulla: Hurry! Take it off!

Puar turned into a pair of scissors and cut Gokus tail off, Goku slowly turned back to normal, and the gang was terrified

Yamcha: What the heck was that?! Why did he turn into a giant monkey?!

Bulma: You!

Bulla: Me?!

Bulma: You knew this was going to happen! How did you know?!

Bulla: I-I dont know. i guess i just knew!

Yamcha: Yeah, right! Stuff like that doesn't just happen!

Bulla: I can't tell you!

Suddenly, Bulla started sparkling

Bulma: What the heck?!

Bulla disappeared and then woke up in the worm hole. She looked around and saw the group, she goes over, and everyone was relieved to see she's okay

Pan: Bulla! You're alright!

Bulla: Pan!

Pan: Im so glad you're okay!

Bulla: Me too! But wait, where's my dad? And where's Goku?

Pan: They're still knocked out. No one knows how to wake them up

Gohan: We're all just trying to get out of here, i think they'll wake up when they beat their nightmare or dream or whatever. The thing they're trapped in is called

Bulla: I know dad will beat his cause he's very strong...

Pan: and i know Grandpa Goku will wake up cause he's very strong!

Everyone smiled, and then they went back to their jobs. Will our heros escape their nightmares? Or will they perish? Tune in next time to find out on Dragon Ball Zero!

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