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Vegeta jolts up awake and looks around, wondering where he is he then realizes he's in a cave when suddenly a beam blasts in, and he sees Goku and Beerus fighting

Vegeta: Beerus and Kakarot..? What are they doing? And wait... why is Kakarot in his God form? Are they recreating the past? Or... wait... dammit of course! im in the past..!

Vegeta takes cover as Goku and Beerus fight furiously

Vegeta: Why am i here?

Vegeta sees Goku and Beerus' fight is actually even

Goku: Wow, Lord Beerus! You're pretty powerful arent ya?!

Beerus: Not just powerful, you dolt, i AM power...

Beerus and Goku continue their fight when Vegeta notices something off, Beerus' eyes turn red and he screams Goku gets confused but then immediately gets punched in the gut, then Beerus ki blasts him into the cave wall

Goku: AGH!

Goku passes out, and he powers down, Beerus is about to kill Goku, but then Vegeta intervenes by stepping in and going Super Sayain Blue Evolved

Beerus: Vegeta?! Your form! It's God Ki!

Vegeta: Your damn right it is...

Vegeta punches Beerus in the face, and he gets launched into the wall, Goku sees Vegeta as the last thing he sees, and then he passes out

Vegeta: Hmph... you really like to make a name for yourself, dont you, Beerus?


Beerus attacks Vegeta with full power, and Vegeta has trouble keeping up, but he still manages to hold his own


Vegeta: That's what happens in a fight, Beerus... your defeat is inevitable!

Beerus' and Vegeta's fight was between incredible gods that could definitely destroy the universe if they weren't careful, Vegeta grabs Beerus' tail and slams him into the ground then he uses a final flash to blast Beerus into oblivion but he remained so he grabbed Vegetas arm throw him into the cave wall and then he lifted his hand to create a ball that floated around him then when Vegeta came to fight Beerus the ball blew up when it touched him and then Vegeta fell to the ground where the water remained, Vegeta gets up and kicks Beerus in the stomach and then charges a super Galick Gun


Vegeta fires the Galick Gun and it makes contact with Beerus knocking him into the cave wall injuring him heavily then Beerus gets up and fires a hakai at Vegeta, he dodges it but Beerus kept firing it at him hoping it would hit but Vegeta was too fast


Vegeta: teleports behind Beerus and sledgehammers him in the head, which smashes him into the ground, that's when Beerus' eyes turn back to normal

Beerus: Ugh... what happened..?

Vegeta: Huh? Is this a trick?!

Beerus: Vegeta..? What are you doing here? And why do you have so much God, Ki?

Vegeta powers down and looks at Beerus, who also powers down

Vegeta: You and Kakarot must continue your fight...

Beerus: Goku? Where is he?

Vegeta: In the wall...

Beerus looks over and sees Goku passed out, he goes over to him and heals him slowly as Vegeta starts sparkling and he disappears, he then wakes up in the worm hole confused, what did he just do?

Vegeta: Huh?!

Bulla: DAD!

Vegeta: Bulla?!

Bulla hugs her father, who is still very confused

Vegeta: What's going on here?!

Bulla: We're trapped in a worm hole, we can't get out unless we gain everyone else's help!

Vegeta: What do you mean?

Bulla: Trunks, Goku, Broly, Rose, and Cassidy are the last ones to wake up. When they do wake up, we can get their help to escape!

Vegeta: Hmph... then lets give them a wake-up call...

Bulla shrieks in excitement as Vegeta gets up and tries waking up Goku and Bulla trues waking her brother. Will our hero's actions be true? Will they escape? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Zero!

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