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(First... Battle of Gods...)

4 years later...

Goku was training very intensly on King Kais planet, he uses the gravity to his advantage as well as using weighted clothing

King Kai: Goku! Are you breaking my stuff?!

Goku: Uhm-

Goku looks around and noticed that everything was practically destroyed... ge instant transmissions back home while King Kai is furious. Goku appears back in his house with Kaylett but Kaylett was no where to be found, there was a note on the kitchen counter

Note: Hey hon! Just went off to Bulmas birthday party, if you want to join us just instant transmission. Love you! -Kaylett

Goku smiles and instant transmissions to the Yacht that everyone was on, he looks around for Kaylett and notices that everyone from his past adventures is here including some when he was a child like android 8, Monster Carrot, and even the Pilaf gang. Everyone laughed and enjoyed themselves, Goku still looked around for his wife and then runs into Bulma

Bulma: Oh Goku! You made it!

Goku: Hey Bulma! Hows it going?

Bulma: Its great! Vegetas actually being nice for once!

Goku: Really? Thats kind of surprising, do you know where Kaylett went?

Bulma: Yeah, shes stuffing her face at the bar. I guess shes like really hungry

Goku: well she is eating for two!

Bulma: Yeah, the way you told us that was very suspicious, i mean everyone immediately caught on when you were very cheery

5 months ago...

Kaylett: Goku!

Goku: Huh? Whats up?

Kaylett: Guess what?!

Goku: What?

Kaylett: Im pregnant!

Goku: Really?! YAAAAAHOOOOOO!!!!!

Everyone gathered around and saw Goku celebrating

Kaylett: Hey guys! Thanks for coming, i just wanna say that yo-


Kaylett: Goku!

Goku laughs awkwardly as we then flash back to where we were last

Goku: oh right! Hehe!

Bulma: Classic Goku, hope you enjoy the party!

Goku wonders around to look for the food bar, sure enough he sees Kaylett eating a plate full of delicious cheeses, he chuckles and turns her to kiss her. Kaylett blushes as she then kisses back

Kaylett: Goku!

Goku: Hehehe!

Kaylett: Im glad you came!

Goku: Same here! Looks like theres a lot of food!

Kaylett: Yep!

Goku eats some of the cheese on Kayletts plate, she giggles as he does

Yesac: Hey you two!

Kaylett: Yesac!

Yesac walks over and Kaylett gives him a hug

Yesac: good to see you guys again

Kaylett: Likewise!

Yesac: Have you guys thought of any names to give the new kid?

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