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Goten wakes up and sees that he's in a wasteland. He looks around to see nothing but empty space

Goten: Where am i..? Hello?! Dad?! Mom?! Is anyone there?!

Goten realizes no one can hear him. Suddenly, he hears a lot of battling going on, so he goes to check it out. He sees Cell! And Gohan as a teen? But how?

Goten: Did i go back in time? Im so confused

Cell attacked Gohan at full force, but Gohan had a counter attacked by firing a masenko. Unfortunately, Cell dodges this smashes Gohan into a cliff side

Cell: Come on, Gohan! Show me your inner power!

Teen Gohan: N-No! I-I can't! I'll go too far!

Goten: Gohans in trouble! Wait... w-what if this messes with time? I'll stay back for now...

Cell: Fine then... perhaps i can persuade you...

Cell creates the cell jrs. and they attack the other Z fighters

Teen Gohan: No! T-Tell them to stop!

Cell: Only if you show me your true power...

Teen Gohan: I-I can't...

The Cell jrs. severely injured the Z fighters, but they all remained fighting for the sake of the earth

Future Trunks: Gohan! You have to fight back! Please!

Teen Gohan: I-I can't!

Cell: It's such a shame... all that talent gone to waste... unless...

Suddenly Cells eyes turned red and he fumed with anger

Cell: Maybe i can BEAT IT OUT OF YOU!

Cell starts beating up Gohan super badly, first he throws multiple ki blasts at Gohan launching him back and hitting the same cliff and then he launched a perfect shot at him which goes right through his arm disabling it, Gohan screams in absolute pain as Cell kept beating him to a pulp, Goten couldnt hold it in anymore he really wanted to help but he also didnt want to mess with the timeline

Goten: Think Goten! What would Rose do?! She's a time traveler, right?!

Gohan was on the brink of death, and Cell was about to finish him, Goten saw this and rushed to Gohan

Goten: GOHAN!

Cell hears Goten and aims the attack at him, but Goten turns into a Super Sayain 3 and attacks Cell

Cell: WHAT?!

Goten punches Cell in the face super hard launching him into the crater where the Cell arena used to be, Cell was angered by this so he flies up and rushes at Goten who then uses a galatic doughnut of his own to hold Cell in place

Goten: move any more, and that thing tightens!

Cell: Who the hell are you?! What the hell are you?!

Goten: None of your business!

Goten charges a Kamehameha and blasts it at Cell, finishing him off, Goten pants, but then he sees a single piece of Cell starts regenerating

Goten: Oh crap! I forgot he has regeneration! How am i supposed to beat this guy?! Uuuummmmm

Goten sees Future Trunks, who is confused to see someone else battling Cell

Goten: I know!

Goten goes to Trunks and defeats his cell jr.

Goten: Trunks!

Future Trunks: W-Who are you?! And how do you know my name?!

Goten: There's no time! I need your help!

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