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Kaylett wakes up and looks around. She realizes she's not in bed with Goku. Another Dream? She thought, she then saw Goku getting into a battle stance with anger on his face, she looks behind her and sees a mysterious person Who is that..? She thinks, she gets out of the way as both of them fight... Goku punches the man in the face but misses then thats when the man grabs Gokus arm and slams him into the ground which makes him go Super Sayain and attack with flurry of punches, unfortunately the man simply just extends his arm and grabs Goku by the arm and breaks it with ease, Goku screams in pain as he goes into Super Sayain Blue and attacks again even with a broken arm but Goku kept persevering and attacking... but then the man grabbed Goku by the face and blasted him with multiple ki blasts, Kaylett rushed in and attacked but phased right through them W-What?! She thinks, Goku falls but then opens his eyes and screams as he turns into True Ultra Instinct, the man attacks, but then Goku dodges and kicks him away. Suddenly, the man turns around and laughs as he then transforms into A Legendary Super Sayain stacked with SSGSS Evolved H-How?! Kaylett thinks to herself


Goku didn't respond... instead he attacked and ended up getting blasted in the stomach with a lot of power, he coughed up blood and transforms back to base then the Legendary Super Saiyan grabs Gokus neck and choke slams him into the ground and then he kept his hands on Gokus neck choking him to death

Kaylett: GOKU!

Kaylett tried her best to attack the attacker, but she kept phasing through him... eventually... Goku stopped struggling... and his hands fell to the ground, lifeless... Kaylett put her hands on her mouth and fell to her knees

Kaylett: G-Goku...

Suddenly, the man turned around and looked at Kaylett...

???: Your turn...

The man rushed at Kaylett, but then Kaylett woke up in the bed with Goku panting heavily

Goku: Woah! Kay, calm down. It's alright! You just had a nightmare...

Kaylett hugs Goku and lays her head on his chest

Goku: What happened?

Kaylett: N-Nothing... j-just a very bad dream...

Goku: Wanna tell me about it?

Kaylett nods no, and Goku shrugs

Goku: Well, okay then, what's for breakfast?

Kaylett smiles and kisses Goku as he chuckles a bit and stands up and yawns, Kaylett gets up and goes to the bathroom, but then there is an explosion outside

Kaylett: What was that?!

Goku: Whis is using some odd methods to train Rose

Kaylett: Oh, what kind of methods?

Goku: The dangerous kind

Goku says nonchalantly

Kaylett: What?! We have to-

Goku: Hey! Dont worry about it! Whis can heal her if something goes wrong, remember?

Kaylett: O-Oh o-okay... right...

Goku: How about we do a bit of training ourselves?! I wanna see if we can reach those forms we reached when we were trapped in the wormhole!

Kaylett: Um... honey...

Goku: Huh? What's up?

Kaylett: Im pregnant... remember..?

Goku: Oh, right! Hehehe! My bad!

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