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Gine wakes up and jolts up she immediately looks for her son

Gine: Kakarot?! My baby, where are you?!

Gine hears an explosion and immediately thinks it's Goku, so she flies to it. She sees Goku fighting the prince of all Sayains

Gine: Prince V-Vegeta? Why is Kakarot fighting him?

Vegeta: I'll turn you and this entire planet into space dust!

Vegeta fires a Galick Gun straight towards earth and Goku, Goku fires back with a Kaioken Kamehameha, but it wasn't enough, so he screams


The blast gets larger and starts to engulf Vegetas Galick Gun, but then... Vegetas eyes turn red, and his Galick Gun gets extremely power pushing back the Kaioken ×4 Kamehameha

Goku: W-What?! No!

Vegeta: Say goodbye, Kakarot!

Gine realizes she has to do something to help her child, so she rushes in and kicks Vegeta in the back, making him lose focus and get consumed by the Kamehameha


Vegeta gets launched into the air and then slamed into the ground. Everyone thought they had won, but then Vegeta opened his eyes and powers up. He then put all his power into a ball

Gine: O-Oh no... s-stop him!

Goku: Huh?!


The ball gets thrown into the air, and it looks like a moon, Vegeta stares at it and starts transforming into a great ape

Great Ape Vegeta: Hahaha! How do you like me now, Kakarot?!

Goku: A-A monster!

Great Ape Vegeta: As a great ape, a Sayains power level increases tenfold!

Goku: I see... the destruction at the stadium, and grandpa Gohans death... it was all me!

Great Ape Vegeta: Try and stop me now, Kakarot!

Gine growls and turns into a Super Sayain, Vegeta sees Gines hair stick up and turns into a golden color

Greay Ape Vegeta: I-Impossible! I-Is that a Super Sayain?!

Goku: A Super Sayain?

Vegeta roars and attacks Gine but shes too fast so she fires some ki blasts at the monster, he gets injured so he charges a mouth blast and aims it at Gine but she dodges and punches Vegeta in the gut making him cough up blood then she goes behind him and cuts his tail off with her bare hands, Vegeta turns back to normal and hes very angry


Gine: Too bad...

Gine charges a blast and aims it at Vegeta. She fires, and it knocks Vegeta into a rock, and it knocks him out, Gine charges another blast, but Goku puts his hand on her shoulder

Goku: I think he's had enough. Thanks for your help

Gine powers down and hugs Goku

Goku: H-Huh?! S-Sorry lady, im taken!

Gine: Lady..? Do you not remember me?

Goku: Nope! Sorry miss... i dont really have a good memory

Gine: Sorry...

Goku: It's okay!

Gine thinks to herself How does he not remember me..? I think there's only one explanation... Vegeta was wearing old Sayain armor, so i could be in the past when Kakarot fought Vegeta for the first time... or Kakarot did actually forget me... i-i hope is the first one...

Goku chuckles awkwardly

Goku: Okay! Well, if you need another one, just ask!

Gine: May i?

Goku: Sure!

Gine hugs Goku again, and he hugs back

Gine: Thanks...

Goku: Can i ask you a question?

Gine: Hm..?

Goku: Where did you come from?

Gine: o-oh, im from space like them, i came to stop them from hurting anyone else, yeah!

Gine smiles and sweats

Goku: Oh, okay! Thanks so much!

Gine: You're welcome, i think i have to go, be careful, okay?

Goku: Dont worry about me! You just stay safe out there!

Gine: I will

Gine smiles, and she starts sparkling

Gine: Huh?

She then disappeares and wakes up in the wormhole. She sees Bardock hovering over her, and she gets excited

Gine: Bardock!!!

Gine jumps on Bardock

Bardock: Agh!

Gine: You're okay!

Bardock: Yeah, im fine

Gine: Where are the others?!

Bardock: They're all asleep. Our grandkids are trying to wake them up

Gine: Wait, grandkids? Do you mean Rose?

Bardock: Kakarot had more children

Gine gasped and looked around, she sees Gohan and Goten and rushed over to them

Gine taps on Gohans shoulder

Gohan: Oh, hi there

Gine: Hi!

Bardock flies over

Gohan: Hello Bardock

Goten: Hey grandpa!

Bardock: Hey guys, this is my wife Gine

Goten: Wow! I have a Grandma too!

Gine giggles as Goten hugs her. She hugs back, and Gohan smiles

Gohan: As much as im enjoying the reunion, we have to figure out a way to get out of here

Gine: Right, how's Kakarot?

Goten: Dad won't wake up, nethier will Mom or the others

Bardock: Im trying to find a way for us to get out

Gine: I'll try waking Kakarot

Gohan: I'll try Broly and Vegeta

Goten: I'll do the rest!

Bardock: Alright, good luck to you all

Gine: Be careful!

Bardock gives Gine a thumbs up and flies off, and then everyone else tries waking everyone up. What's next? Will our heroes escape? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Zero!

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