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Pan wakes up and looks around. She immediately thinks that this is a prank

Pan: Haha, very funny, Uub

Pan then realize that this isnt a prank as she hears fighting just south of her location, she heads into that location to see whats going on, she makes it to a peaceful place that had nice trees and a good looking waterfall but then Pan barley dodges a pink blast, she looks up and sees her grandfather fighting the infamous Kid Buu

Pan: G-Grandpa?!

Goku gets distracted when he sees Pan but then he focused back up when Buu tried hitting Goku with a Majin Kamehameha again, Pan thinks shes in a dream but when she actually pinches herself she realized its not a dream

Pan: Okay, okay... what to do...


Vegeta looks over at who he's talking to, and he sees Pan, Vegeta growls as he flies to her and picks her up

Pan: Hey! Put me down!

Vegeta: Im getting you somewhere safe, you moron!

Pan: i can defend myself!

Vegeta: I bet you can...

Pan gulps and puts her hand on Vegetas back

Vegeta: Huh?!

Pan: Sorry!

Pan fires a ki blast at Vegetas back, which stuns him, Pan gets put off his grip, and she flies to Goku


Vegeta rushes to her but then she uses a solar flare to stun him once more, suddenly Kid Buus eyes turn red and he extends his arm and grabs Goku by the face and slams him into the ground with extreme force, then he grabs Gokus long Super Sayain 3 hair and starts throws him into a mountain side, then he screams and fires a super vanishing ball towards the mountain, the mountain explodes instantly and Pan is shocked

Vegeta: Crap! KAKAROT!

Pan: No...

Pan screams and powers up into a Super Sayain


Pan rushes towards Kid Buu, him not expecting it she charges a Feint blast, she fires it and it hits Buu directly knocking him back a bit, Pan then beats Kid Buu up with her own bare hands and feet, then she powers up again and her attacks become stronger

Pan: Prepared to be punished!

Pan kept beating Kid Buu, But Buu wasnt going to go down without a fight, he charges a vanishing ball and throws it at Pan she sends it back injuring Buu heavily but he regenerates instantly, Buu laughs maniacally and makes random noises as he attacks Pan by trying to smack her into the ground but she dodges and fires another feint blast which actually knocks him into the ground


Pan: You weirdo! Take this! MADIEN BLAST

Pan charges a special attack, she teleports behind Kid Buu and fires it, HEAVILY injuring Buu to the point where his regeneration is taking its time, Pan snickers and charges a Kamehameha firing it at Buu, all of sudden Buus regen recovers him fully and Buu fires a Kamehameha back pushing Pans back

Pan: N-No!

Buu laughs, but then Goku appears beside Pan and helps her

The blast consumes Kid Buu, but yet he still remains

Goku: I have an idea!

Goku powers down and flies into the air, and sticks his hands up

Goku: Everyone! Lend me your energy!

Suddenly, a spirit bomb starts forming, and Pan is amazed

Pan: Awesome!

Kid Buu tries attacking Goku but Pan grabs Buus antenna and slams him into the ground, Buu shoots Pan with a ki blast pushing her back and then Kid Buu tries attacking Goku again but Vegeta kicks Buu away and firing a final flash incinerating Buu but he regenerates, once the Spirit Bomb was finished gaining energy Goku yells at the two

Goku: Get away, get away! Hurry!

Pan and Vegeta get away from the spirit bombs range, and Goku throws it. It hits Kid Buu, and he tries pushing it back, but it's too strong, and he gets engulfed

Goku: I hope you get reincarnated as someone good...

After a few minutes of dramatic tension and standing around Goku pants as well as Pan and Vegeta

Goku: Phew! Thanks, whoever you are! He was a real handful, wasn't he?

Vegeta: I hate how calm you are right now...

Pan: Y-Yeah, he was really strong

Goku: So you're a Sayain, too?

Pan: Y-Yeah, but didn't you know that?

Goku: Yeah, but i didn't know when i saw you go super saiyan

Pan: But

Pan realized that Kid Buu had been dead for a very long time and that Uub is Buus reincarnation. She must've been sent back in time

Pan: W-Well, i have a few tricks up my sleeves!

Pan giggles awkwardly as Goku chuckles with her

Vegeta: Bullshit! You're obviously lying! Where did you come from?!

Pan: I-I dont know i was warped here!

As soon as Pan starts talking, she begins sparkling

Vegeta: What the hell?!

Pan dissapeares and woke up in the wormhole, she looks around and saw her father as well as her uncle and 2 other mysterious people

Pan: Dad!

Gohan: Pan!

Gohan hugged his daughter, and she hugged back

Gohan: im so glad you're okay!

Pan: Me too!

Goten: Pan!

Pan: Uncle Goten!

Goten: You're okay!

Pan: You too!

They all chuckle, and then Gine comes over

Gine: Whos this?

Gohan: Pan, this is your great Grandma

Gine gasps and hugs Pan, she hugs back a little confused

Pan: Great grandma? But i thought Grandpa Hercule was adopted without grandparents

Gohan chuckles as well as Gine

Gohan: She isn't from your moms side

Pan: Huh?! You mean your grandpa Gokus mom?!

Gine: Yes!

Pan: awesome!!

Gine giggles again as Pan hugs her again

Gohan: Listen, Pan, we have to find a way out of here, we have to wake everyone else up, alright?

Pan: got it!

Gine: Good luck, everyone!

Everyone goes back to waking the others. There is a strong presence that everyone can sense... what is this strong presence..? Is it friend or foe..? Find out next time on Dragon Ball!

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