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Kaylett and Goku kiss for a bit as Krillin tries to infect them again, but thankfully, Kaylett grabs Krillins shirt and then tosses him into the ground knocking the poor zombie out

Kaylett: Hey, bulma! I got ya a test subject!

Bulma: Great! Thanks Ka-

Bulma immediately realized that Kaylett was back

Bulma: KAYLETT?! But we saw

Kaylett: Im back now. Take Krillin inside, but dont touch him

Bulma nods and drags Krillin inside Gokus house to test on the zombie Krillin

Vegeta: So what now..?

Kaylett: We wait for Bulma, that's when

Suddenly, Dabura grabs Kaylett by the throat and slams her into a bunch of trees

Kaylett growls as Dabura roars

Dabura: You have Inturupted my plans for the last time! If sending you back in time won't help... then I'll just have to kill you...

Dabura and Kaylett fight. Their power was even somehow surprised, Kaylett

Kaylett: How are you keeping up with me?!

Dabura: You learn a lot of things! One of the perks of being the king of the demon realm!

Kaylett and Dabura fight for quite some time until Goku interferes and jabs Dabura in the face. Goku stands beside Kaylett

Goku: Dont touch her

Dabura: Yeah? And what are you going to do about it, Sayain..?

Goku: i dont think you wanna see Kakarot just yet...

Dabura: What?

Kaylett: K-Kakarot..?

Goku smiles as he approaches the demon king

Goku: Call off the zombies...

Dabura laughs as Goku and Kaylett get confused

Dabura: Even if i wanted to, i couldn't! The zombies are uncontrollable and dangerous! They will turn you all!

Goku socks Dabura in the face forming a bruise

Goku: Then you'll just have to help us... wont you..?

Goku had a very serious face, which threatened Dabura. He stepped back a bit as Kaylett was watching flabbergasted

Kaylett: H-Honey..?

Goku stares at Dabura with intent to kill, so Dabura takes the cowards way out...

Dabura: Fine! I-Ill help! Here-

Dabura opens a portal, and Fu pops out

Dabura: There! My nephew is at your disposal

Kaylett helps Fu up

Kaylett: You okay?

Fu: Yeah, im fine... I just had a few roughed up times

Goku: What about the virus..? You released it...

Dabura: I-I can't do anything about that!

Goku grabbed Dabura by the cape? Robe? Gi? Whatever he's wearing... and gives him a deathly stare as if he was going to kill him

Goku: You can start by helping my friend with a cure...

Dabura: Okay! Okay, fine!

Goku smiles and turns to Kaylett

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