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Kaylett wakes up to hear Goku in the kitchen, he's making... food? He hums as he makes the food and then the grill breaks, he then looks to his right and then to his left and he ki blasts the food to cook it faster. Kaylett comes out and sees Goku

Goku: Hey Kay! Your just in time! I made breakfast!

Kaylett: you made breakfast..?

Goku: yeah! I did! Here let me fix you a plate!

Goku grabs a plate from the cabinet and plates the food that he made, he gives it to Kaylett to find out that the food is not even food... it was completely black and the outer layer was covered in goo... it was absolutely disgusting but she didn't want to upset Goku so she takes a bite and immediately retches in disgust, she then smiles as she slowly swallows the disgusting food, she was fixing to throw up so she holds her mouth with her left hand and then with her right hand she gives Goku a thumbs up

Goku: Great! I knew you'd like it!

As soon as Goku turns around Kaylett opens the window and throws up instantly, the food was so disgusting that she almost passed out in disgust, she then turns around and smiles at Goku who is trying to give her another plate

Kaylett: O-Oh no I'm full

She says nervously

Goku: but you only took one bite

Kaylett: well your food was so good that it made me instantly full!

Goku: Oh cool! I knew I had a talent!

Kaylett: why don't you let me cook the next meal?

Goku: oh okay

Rose comes in and smells the aroma which was absolutely disgusting

Rose: What's that smell?

Goku: I cooked!

Rose sees Kaylett using body language to warn Rose not to criticize her father's cooking

Rose: it smells... good!

Goku: Wanna try some?

Rose: No thanks, I'm not really hungry right now

Goku: Oh okay!

By this time it has been 5 months since the ever so terrifying Kiva... Kaylett is 9 months pregnant, Goku is trying to train his newest form, while Rose is now 15 and focusing more on time patrol. Everyone is very happy that the peace stays, but... somewhere in deep space someone is plotting something... he laughs wickedly as he stands over 3 corpses... he points his fingers at the three of them and then suddenly they get resurrected...

Frieza: What happened to me..? I was battling that bastard Sayain!

Cooler: What?! Where am i?!

King Cold: Hm... Hello my son... you were supposed to be in the early stages of development... Icie

Icie: Hello father...

Frieza: What?! I have another brother?!

King Cold: Indeed... he was a failsafe incase your mecha form didnt work... of course i died before i could release him...

Cooler: What makes this little runt more powerful than us?

King Cold: Hes able to defeat a super Sayain...

Frieza sighs and shrugs

Frieza: No offense father but the Sayains can now transform into Gods... if thats all this fool can do he is worthless...

Icie: Oh but thats where your wrong brother... i have been training just like you to achieve a newest form... far better than your Blackened Gold...

Frieza: Oh really?! You think that my Blackened Gold is weaker than your pitiful form..?

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