Hellish Days

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Last time on Dragon Ball Zero... our faithful heros managed to defeat the evil Lord Icie, with some hardships the family emerged victorious in the battle of the Sayains and Arcosians, now they are living peacefully except now they want to visit a certain someone in Hell...

Goku: Hey there Cell! Long time no see!

Cell was suprised to see Goku acting so nonchalant about meeting him again

Cell: H-Hey..?

Goku: Whats up? You seem confused

Cell: Your damn right im confused, how the hell are you not shitting your pants right now? I almost killed you! Hell i could do it again right now considering how weak you currently are

Goku: Oh ive just been hiding my Ki

Cell: What..?

Goku powers up just slightly and Cell instantly regrets meeting Goku again as he is more powerful than ever before...

Cell: H-How?! How is this possible?!

Goku: I did a lot of training with these guys!

Goku hugs both his daughter and his wife

Cell: who-

Kaylett: Im Kaylett, Gokus wife

Rose: Im his daughter!

Cell: You have a new family..?

Goku: Nope! Same family but with a better wife!

Kaylett blushes a bit as Cell scoffs

Cell: How are you able to hide all that ki..?

Goku: Ki control is very basic in the turtle hermit training as well as my training with Kami

Cell: Tch... fine then... show me your full power...

Goku: Huh? You want to fight?

Cell: No... i wish to see your full power, i know i am unmatched as of right now...

Goku: Wow! Cell admitting hes weak?! Didnt see that one coming!

Cell: Shut up and show me before i rip your head off!

Goku: He he he! Okay okay!

Goku powers up incredibly into his final form, Super Sayain Instinct

Goku: I call this... Super Sayain Instinct...

Cell was overwhelmed by the sheer power of Goku... he instantly fled as Goku powers down

Kaylett: Are all your bad guys like this?

Goku: Like what?

Kaylett: Cowardice?

Goku: Eh, kind of

The Sayain family all fly around for a bit until they met another one of Gokus enemies, it was the Tuffle Baby! Who almost took control of Kaylett but thankfully Goku back handed the monster just in time

Kaylett: Goku what-

Super Baby: AGH!

Goku: Nice try Baby, but i saw you coming a mile away


The Tuffle flies away in shame as the family continues to look around, they run into a few more bad guys who think that they can take Goku on because they had training but they end up failing instantly as Goku thwarts them before they can make a move, eventually they make it to the one and only person thats not trying to fight them, they found Raditz!

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