Damn You Mrs. Blessing

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I quickly put on a pair of his pants and one of his shirts. His pants were too big on me so I grabbed a belt from one of his drawers and sprinted out of his house.

So, here's the deal. Last night I hooked up with someone. But not just any someone, I hooked up with the school's troublemaker. Look, I was a bit tipsy and he was just somehow at the bar I was at with a few friends.

We made love and now I regret it with my life. I mean, I'm not gay, am I? No, I can't be. My mom would not be appreciative about that fact if I were. Wait, was he tipsy? I can't remember.

But I walked to school from his house, I knew the way there because i would walk by his house every time i had to walk home. I prayed that he would just forget about it, because who would want to get fucked in the ass by the troublemaker of their school and remember it?

Not me. I walked to my locker, got my books out, and ran to my first class, which was math. God I hate math. I was never good at it.

I didn't pay attention to the teacher, but my blood ran cold when I realized that my next class was science, the same class I had with Damion. After an hour or so, the bell rang, meaning it was time for my torture session in science.

But I don't sit next to him, so as long as we don't run into each other, I should be in the clear. I walked in the classroom with an anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach. I searched around the room, but my eyes landed on Damion's.

I quickly avoided his eyes and sat in my seat. It was a few more minutes later until the teacher came. "Alright, today we are going to watch a movie," the class cheered at the statement.

"About our unit." The class groaned at the next part. It was kind of ironic. But my mood shifted when Damion raised his hand to ask Mrs. Blessing a question. "Can I sit next to Lucas? Since he doesn't have a seat buddy and since mine is gone today?"

Damion smirked. I mentally panicked and looked at Mrs. Blessing, begging for her to say no. "Mhmm, I don't see why not?" She smiled.

I instantly sank in my seat as Damion proudly strolled over here with his stuff. Mrs. Blessing turned off the lights and put a movie on the smart board. It was peaceful for a few minutes, until Damion whispered to me. "Why are you avoiding me?"

I didn't respond and kept staring at the board like my life depended on it. He put his hand on my thigh, I glanced at it, but then I just ignored it. I saw at the corner of my eye that Damion smirked.

And God was that smirk handsome even in the dark, but I don't need this, not after he fucked me in the fucking ass. Like, that's so embarrassing. His hand inched closer to my crotch, but I grabbed his wrist out of instinct.

"W-what do you think you're doing?" I whispered. Damion only smiled and pulled me out of my seat by my arm and out of the classroom and into the bathroom across the hall.

Somehow the teacher didn't notice like I had hoped and we didn't even make a lot of noise either. But as soon as he closed the door to the bathroom he locked it. "Why did you do that!?

We're going to get in trouble!" I yelled at him in a panic. "Why are you ignoring me?" He said, stepping closer. "W-what do you mean?" I stepped back. "You know exactly what I mean, darling.

Why did you leave without me?" I didn't respond I only stepped back as he stepped closer. "Is it the fact that I fucked you? Or is it because I wasn't any good?" He asked again.

"No! It was ama-" I stopped myself by putting my hand over my mouth. I blushed, but I looked at him when I heard a deep chuckle from him. "You thought it was amazing? Well, if I would have known that sooner, we could probably do it again, love." He grinned. He was a foot in front of me.

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