I Got A Lover Boy

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The stars shined bright in the silent sky. I walked down the street after just studying with Delilah at her house.

I took a right down an alleyway after remembering that there was a shortcut down here to my house, at least I think..

After a few minutes I got lost, I saw a man and sighed. I guess I have to ask him for directions. I walked up to the raggedy man.

"Hey, um, I'm lost do you know where the 26th Street is?" I asked him. He didn't turn around, he just stood there with his back to me.

"Hey, I'm talking to you?" I pushed his shoulder to make him look at me but he just fell to the floor. I screamed as I looked at him, his eyes were gone, they were black.

There was a creepy smile stitched forcefully onto his face, almost as if the killer was taunting me. His hat fell off and his brain showed through his head. My blood ran cold. As I screamed I walked backwards but I fell after tripping on a rock.

My heart was beating out of my chest, my breathing was staggered. I felt like I was going to pass out due to the sight infront of me.

I scooted backwards but my back hit something. I looked up with a fearful look and I saw a man smiling down at me before everything turned black.

I opened my eyes slowly due to the bright light in the room. As soon as I opened my eyes I groaned and clenched my eyes because of the pounding headache I have thanks to the- wait. Where the hell am I!?

My eyes widened in surprise when I looked around the room. It looked like a dark basement. I was tied up to a wooden chair.

I heard the wooden door in front of me open so I snapped my head to the door to see the same smiling man I saw before blacking out.

"W-who are you!? W-where- where am I?" I stuttered trying to act confidently, but failed.

The man laughed and walked up to me. "You're awake finally!..I think I hit you too hard..." He mumbled the last bit, but I heard it.

"Anyways...I'm so glad you're here darling! We're gonna have so much fun together..." He did a closed eye smile.

I looked at him in fear, I need to get out of here. "W-who are you..?.." I asked him again. His face frowned.

"Come on darling... You gotta remember me!" He gestured to himself. I furrowed my eyebrows at his statement.

I searched through my brain and squinted at him because of the bad lighting in here, but then it finally hit me.

"Y-your my- my coworker!?... Lorenzo...!?" I asked shocked. He did a sickeningly sweet smile and nodded. "Aww, see? I knew you would remember me! After all.. I did get you all those gifts.." he mumbled the last bit again but I couldn't hear it that time.

I started to struggle, shaking the chair in the process. I also started to panic. "Doing that won't help you darling. So why don't you just stop?" He titled his head and smiled at my productive struggle.

I looked at him in fear. "..What are you going to do to me..?" I asked, shaking. My eyes started to water. "Aww baby," he walked closer to me and crouched in front of me. I tried to back up but the chair was nailed to the floor.

"Don't cry. I only wanted to keep you safe. You won't be hurt anymore." He swiped away my falling tears off my cheek with his thumb.

I looked at him shocked. "W-what do you mean a-anymore..?" I asked him, worried and frightened. Lorenzo smiled at me.

"I know you get bullied at work by our coworkers. I know you cut yourself. I know you stay up watching all those pretty girls on social media and get self conscious at 3 a.m in the morning. I know you skip breakfast and lunch everyday.. I know you only wear a bra and boxers to bed...Oh! I just know everything about you my darling!" He laughed.

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