Fucking Beg Pt 2

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I slammed my alarm clock and it stopped beeping. I groaned. "Great. Another day. Another useless fucking job todo." I rubbed my eyes as I got up for work.

I didn't even change, knowing that I was gonna change at work anyway. I looked for my keys and purse then walked outside.

I walked for about two blocks until I saw my work place. The local Maid Cafe. That's right. Maid. I have to be in a fucking maid outfit all day long. 7am-6pm. Yeah. It's shit.

I walked into the cafe with a smile on my face. "Hey Delilah ! How's it going?" My friend Lilly asked me who is my coworker also. "Just tired. I'll be right back, I need to change."

I walked to the changing room at the back of the cafe. I changed into my maid costume which I had booty shorts under neath so if I were to bend down, oh Lord help me.

I went out of the changing room to serve tables. I wait on them and I  would carry their orders on a tray and take it to their table. "Hello! What would you like?" I said with fake cheer.

I felt disgusted when the old man looked me up and down. "Oh-! Uh- just water please.." he said with a lustful look- Jesus Christ man.

I quickly left the table and brought back his water. I then left before he could say thanks. Just as I was bout to wait on table 5, I saw Lanz and Jake. Oh shit.

I ran behind the counter and hid. There is no way I am going to wait on them. Not after what happened after the party.

You see, I didn't let them 'finish' cause I quickly fled the party when I was going to the 'bathroom'. It has been a week and I haven't seen them since.

But now that might change. "What are you doing Delilah?" Lilly sighed. "I'm hiding from the twins!" I blushed. Lilly looked at them and gasped. "What! Why? You should go say hi to them!" And before I could protest Lilly dragged me to their table.

My heart beat increased. "U-uh- h-hi? What w-would you like?" I avoided eye contact. Wishing this would be over.

"You." They said in sinc. "Wha-?" I could even finish before I was dragged into the boys bathroom. I stumbled back as I was covering from my confusion.

"Why did you leave the party?" Jake asked with a stern voice."i-l what?" I asked in confusion.  Everything was going too fast. Lanz stepped towards me as I stepped back. "You know what we're talking about." Lanz furrowed his brows. I glanced to the side.

"I-i- don't know what your talking about!" I argued back. Trying to stall time to find away out of here. "Cut the bullshit." Jake stated, stepping towards me too.

I shook my head. "I didn't have to stay at the party. Now if you escuse me," I walked between them to the door. "I need to go-" I tried to twist the door knob but it wouldn't open the door.  I turned around when Jake chuckled. "Looking for these?" Jake smirked jiggling the keys to the door in his hands. "What? H-how-?" I asked in shock.

"Our dad owns the cafe." Lanz said stepping closer with Jake following behind. I tried to step back but my back was on the door.

"And now... You can't escape from us..." Lanz was leaning in for a kiss. But I slipped under his arm and past Jake and into the other side of the room.

"Now how about you just unlock that door and we can be on our separate ways?" I smiled nervously. Now being self conscious about myself in a maid dress in front of horny teenagers.

Lanz chuckled. "Oh I don't think so darling. We still need to finish what we have started." Lanz smirked. "Plus," Jake added. "No one will disturb us." Jake smiled devilishly.

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