Edging In A Red Porsche

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I slammed my alarm clock to make it shut up. "Ugghh," I groaned and rolled out of bed. I grouched to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

After, I looked in the mirror. "I'll brush my hair later.." I mumbled while just weaving it in messy bun and the top of my head.

I got dressed in a pair of jeans and a black tank top with a hoodie around my waist. I got on some socks and sneakers and my back pack around my shoulder and walked out the front door without any breakfast.

I walked down the sidewalk as the sun was beaming down on me. I got out my phone and scrolled on my FYP on tiktok.

It was peaceful until a red porsche pulled up beside me and drove slowly matching my pace. The window rolled down and someone shouted, "Hey Delilah! Need a ride? " He smiled at me.

"No thank you." I rejected him, still looking at my phone. "Aww, come on love! Just this once??" Lanz shouted from the driver's seat.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't you have anything else better to do then pester me?" I looked at the two. "Nope!" Jake smiled again.

I groaned, but I kept walking while they slowly followed me. "Please???? It's a long walk from here, and the sun is out!" Jake argued.

"I don't care. Leave me alone. " I sneered at them. They are twins who don't stop bothering me. It's fucking annoying.

"Well I do." Jake responded before the car stopped and he got out of the car and walked to me fast. I looked at him surprised and I was about to run but he hung me over his shoulder. "GAH! what are you doing you dumbass?! Let go of me!!" I screamed and kicked him but he didn't budge.

He shoved me in the car and sat beside me and as soon as he did the car zoomed off. I looked at them angry. "You know this is kidnapping?" I glared at them.

"I know." Lanz smirked at me through the rearview mirror. I rolled my eyes and sat at the end of the car away from Jake and crossed my arms and legs while looking through the window.

"Aww, don't be mad! We just didn't want you to get hurt!" Jake acted sad. "Yeah right." I sneered at him. He put his hand to his chest acting like he was hurt. I rolled my eyes at his actions.

I immediately got out of the car when we got to school. I ran to my locker to get away from the twins. I got out my books and went to my first class.

I few hours went by and it was my last class. I raised my hand. "Yes Delilah?" The teacher asked me. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked her. She sighed. "You should have gone before class but yes, yes you may." She turned around to the board.

I got up from my seat and walked to the bathroom. Once I was done I walked out of the bathroom to see Lanz and Jake hanging out at his locker.

"Shit..." I tried walking silently pass them. "Oh, Hey Delilah!" Lanz said to me and I froze. I sighed and turned to face them. "Hey..." I then tried to get away from them but Jake held on to my wrist.

"Where do you think your going? We aren't done with you yet love!" Jake said a little too cheerfully.
I groaned. "What do you want?" "You." "Yeah, not happening. Bye."

I tried to get away but Jake held on to both of my wrists, holding them in front of me, not letting me use my hands.

"Let go of me." I sneered and struggled against Jake's grip on me. Lanz walked behind me and rested his chin on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "How about...no?" I felt him smirk.

I tried moving away from Lanz but Jake made me push into him instead, so I was between Jake and Lanz with my wrists pinned in front of me by Jake.

"What do you want!?" I yelled at them. Getting sick of their actions. "I'll say this again..darling." Lanz said right in my ear and against my neck. "We want you. We love you my darling." He chuckled.

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