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Reya moved out of the chair she was sitting in so Rei could sit down, Rei thanked her before she sat down smoothing out her skirt. "Are you three aware of what we are to do while you three are here?"

All of them looked at her dumb-founded which gave her the answer she wished she hadn't gotten from them. She let out a sigh and placed on the table in between them the papers she had been given. "The three of you will have a minor roll in the production being put together right now. As of right now there are only two maybe three episodes of the show that is being placed out right now. You three will be introduced in the fifth episode. For that to happen you all need to be well informed in what you'll be doing."

"So what exactly have we signed up for?" Tokiya inquired

Rei placed her hands together as she looked at the younger male. "Well first off how the three of you will be introduced will be by the main characters going to a concert where the characters you all will be playing will be performing. After that performance your characters will be known as 'new students' at the school that the characters all go to . The involvement that your characters will have with the main characters will be minimal at the least. It is unknown to me just how much traction the three of you will have with the main female lead that I play as or the main male lead. But in time you all will be singing the two songs in front of you with me. When that happens I hope in that time that I can trust the three of you enough to record it with the three of you."

"Not to seem nosey about your life Miss Harawa but may I ask what has made you distrust males so much that you cannot work with them closely?" Masato asked

She shut her eyes and sighed out a bit before she opened her eyes. "The three of you may have been told by my Kohai that I've gone to shinning academy yes?"

The three of them nodded their heads "she had." Tokiya stated

"I was placed in A class, those in S class thought that it would be a good idea to gang on me before morning classes. First they taunted me and called me names for being a silent woman in that academy, but those taunted turned into being physically assaulted and sexually assaulted." She said sadly as she balled her hands up on her lap

None of them spoke a word, knowing the truth about why she didn't wish to be around males. But hearing from her why she didn't feel comfortable around males her age it made a large amount of sense. None of them said anything which Rei knew it would happen, instead of getting emotional about it she looked directly at Tokiya. "I'm aware you went from being in S class to A class for some reason. You may have heard a group of males whispering to one another about the silent girls in lower classes yes?"

Tokiya was silent as he was in thought before he nodded his head. "I remember a few males talking about how there was a 'easy to get to' woman in a lower class that they were going to confront the next morning and due to what they had done they had been late to class that day."

"Yeah..well what they had done was gathered two other woman and myself in a secluded area in the schools perimeter and sexually assaulted us all at once. Every now and then I keep in contact with the girls since the three of us all vowed to keep close to one another and be in contact with one another. But we never once spoke about what had happened with us on that day or any other day after that."

"So it wasn't just a one day thing that happened to you?" Masato asked

Rei refused to answer his question, she wasn't his soul mate anymore. She instead kept her attention on Tokiya. "I apologize that you had to hear that nonsense...Should I call you by your family or given name?" She inquired

"Well you are older than I am by a year Harawa, So which ever makes you feel more comfortable." Tokiya said with a smile

Otoya nodded his head in agreement "You're older than me too. So which ever you wish to call me I'll be fine." He said with a smile

"Very well, thank you Otoya...Tokiya. I look forward to working with the two of you."

Tokiya noticed that she wasn't even speaking to Masato and looked at her concerned. "You aren't even going to acknowledge Hijirikawa-san are you Harawa?"

"After what I saw and heard yesterday not to mention the consent that I had given him for the plush that resides within my work bag, no...no I'm not. Why should I acknowledge someone that obviously wishes to have nothing to do with me without getting to know me? I see no reason to be civil or talkative towards someone that cold." Rei stated as she crossed her arms

Tokiya and Otoya's eyes widened hearing what she said "You gave him consent to touch the plush?! You realize what you did don't you?" Otoya asked shocked

"I'm well aware that it disconnects me from being his soul mate, as I've stated before-why should I acknowledge someone that obviously wishes to have nothing to do with me without getting to know me?" Rei asked

Masato averted his eyes knowing that he personally messed up with what had happened between them. " I cannot make it up to you can I?"

Rei continued to ignore him as she looked at Reya. "Rey-rey dear, when are you scheduled to record today?"

"In ten minutes why ask Senpai?"

"I'd like to ask you a slight favor if you don't mind."

"Not at all, I'm more than happy to do anything for you senpai." She said with a smile

"Thank you for stating that, what I'd like to ask you is to talk to the producer about the specifics for the males here. So we have a round about for them. I'd like to know what I'm getting myself completely into."

Reya's eyes glimmered in happiness before she nodded her head. "Sure thing Senpai! I'll be right back!" She said before she rushed off

Once she was gone she looked at the trio of males "I'm only going to state this once, I will not acknowledge anyone who is cold and treats me like I'm nothing. Tokiya and Otoya you two looked stunned to hear what I had said earlier. I must tell you that he had a choice to touch it or not and he chose to do so. So that says a lot about him than me doesn't it?" She inquired

The two younger males looked at one another unsure before they looked at her. "Just what exactly happened that made him touch the plush to begin with?" Otoya asked curiously

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