His Own Blood

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Mini's P.O.V.

After I managed to get Lui inside and get him to stop crying, he passed out. I called Basically and went into the bathroom just on case Lui woke up and heard me talking to Basically.

"Hey man, what's up?" Basically said as he picked up the phone.

"Nothing much but I need you to help me with a question" I responded trying not to yell at him.

"Sure, what's the question?" He asked.

"Will you please explain why I have a crying Lui in my house after he came to get you and heard noises coming from your hotel room?" I ask slightly rasing my voice but not much, due to Lui sleeping in the other room. The other line went silent.

"Please answer me. Do not worry me, the last thing I need is stress" I say sighing.

"I was just upset and-" Basically started to say but he was cut off by Lui screaming in pain. I ran out of the bathroom to the kitchen to find a bloody sight. Lui was on the floor surrounded by blood; his own blood. There was a knife sticking out of his chest, just bellow his heart. Blood gushed out of his wound and mixed with the tears spilling out of his eyes.

"What is going on?!?!?!!?!?" Basically screamed into the phone. The wound was self inflicted as his bloody hand rested on the knife. With the little strength he had left he pulled the knife out. I saw him swing the knife back down to his chest. I moved my hand and he stabed my hand. Sure it hurt but it was better than him stabing himself again. He coghed up blood.

"I'm sorry" he whispered out. Then he passed out. I screamed Tyler's name, but he wasn't home. I grabbed my phone and dialed 9-1-1.

"Help! My friend just stabbed himself in the chest!" I scream into the phone.

"Help is on the way sir!" A female voice came out calmly. I hung up and called Tyler.

"Babe, what do need?" He ask

"I have to go the hospital" I tell him my voice cracking and I noticed I was crying. I didn't waiting for an answer, I just threw the phone. I tried to apply pressure to Lui's wound to stop the bleeding. Parmidicts smashed through my front door.

"We are in the kitchen" I call out in the loudest voice I could muster. I was done with this night so I passed out.

When I awoke I saw multiple doctors surrounding me. I had a splitting headache and I felt a liquid slip down my sides. I tried to sit up.

"Sir, he is up" I heard one say.

"Put him back to sleep" I heard a second voice say. I saw a needle come at me and then I blacked out again.

The second time I woke up it was dark out and no one was near me. I had no idea where I was. I started breathing very fast and my heart started to beat really fast. I was panting and sweating. It felt like my throat was closed and I couldn't breathe. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. I managed to scream Tyler's name and a man and a woman walked in the room. The man was Tyler and he other was Jenny.

"He is having a panic attack" Jenny talks Tyler.

"Tyler, I love you!" I scream out and through myself at Tyler. He engulfed me in a hug and whispered sweet nothings in my ear. After a few minutes my heart rate returned to normal and I could breathe again.

"Where is Lui? Is he all right?" I say into Tyler's chest.

"He will be at the hospital for two months but he will be ok" he whispered to me.

"I love you" I repeated.

"I love you too" he chuckled. He leaned down and kissed me.

"We need to run some tests on the baby because of all the stress you have been feeling lately could make you loss the baby" Jenny said as Tyler and I pulled away.

Author's Note

You better be happy! I am sick and I still made you guys a chapter! Well I needs my rest so has a cookie *hands cookie* Have a great day/night and smile on :)

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