Seeing Your Face - 21 Weeks

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Mini's P.O.V.

The car jolted to a stop and I sat up. I quickly unbuckled and looked over at my boyfriend. I felt disgusted calling him that. I looked deeply into Basically's eyes, past the love, past the tenderness, and past the care and saw hate. Pure hate for me. I saw daggers trying to kill me.


I tried to pull out of his grasp but he was stronger than me. His hands moved down to the bottom of my butt and I was fighting him trying to get him off of me. He began to pick me up by my butt and tears once again formed in my eyes.

"Stop!" I screamed as he picks me up more. My legs unintentionally started to spread. Tears rolled down my checks and I pulled my fight back.
















By the time he had forced my legs around his waist, my throat and fist was sore. I let out little grunts as I tried to form words and I slightly pulled back every so often. Basically, who had his hands firmly placed on my butt, carried me out of the bathroom before I passed out.


Reality hit me like a slap to the face. I sallowed dryly and slowly turned to see we were literally in the middle of nowhere. All I could see was flat green plains going for miles in every direction. I wanted to ask about our location but I felt stuck.

Suddenly Basically grabbed my checks and forced me to look at him. He had his phone out and an evil smile on his face. Then he said two words that brought me to tears, brought me to realize that I had messed up.

"Recording 3"

Author's Note

HAHAAHA!!!!!!!!! More pain for Mini and just when you thought he was safe! I want to know what name the baby should get........I haven't decided if it is going to be a girl or boy.


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