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Mini's P.O.V.

Tyler and I were waiting in the room for the test results fort my baby.

"Will you promise to love me no matter the results?" I ask Tyler.

"Hey, I will love you no matter what; nothing will change that. Even if you killed a person but don't kill a person just to find out" he responded. I turned and we kissed. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I gladly gave him. His tounge darted in mouth and explored it. I moaned softly but we had to pull apart for air. A string of saliva connected our lips.

"Hey guys, we don't know for sure but we are pretty sure you lost the baby," Jenny told us. I pinched myself to make sure it was real. Sure enough I felt a sharp pain. I held back my tears as we got up to see Lui. Tyler intertwined our fingers as we walked down the hall. Soon we walked in his room.

"Hey Lui," I said quietly.

"Hey guys, I'm sorry," he apologized. I thought about how I had lost my baby because of him. I marched up to him and punched him in his face. Tyler ran up and tried to hold me back.

"It's your fault, all your fault! You killed my baby!" I scream at him.

"How did I kil- You were pregnant! Oh my god, I'm so so so sorry!" He cried into his hands. "I'm just a screw up, I even kill babies!" I wailed. Now it was my turn to cry. I fell on my knees and just sobbed.

"No it's my fault, I wasn't a good mom!" I said through the tears. I cried into Tyler's chest as he rubbed my back.

"Babe, you are the best mom ever. We can always have another baby if that makes you happy," he cooed in a loving voice. Nogla walked in right then. He immediately ran over to Lui and conforted him. Basically walked in next and ran over to comfort Lui with Nogla.

"I'm a baby killer!" He sobbed.

"No your not, we don't even know anyone who is pregnant," Basically tried to reason.

"I killed Mini's baby!" He screamed. They just kept comforting Lui, telling him it wasn't his fault and what not. After a few more minutes Tyler and I just left.

~Time Skip 10 Weeks~

I started getting fat because I blocked everyone out and refused to move except to get to get food. Tyler walked into my room at 12:30 and sat down next to me.

"Love, I'm making you go back to the doctor," he said. When I didn't answer he just sighed. "Babe, you can't let this keep you down. I love you and I miss you. Will you just do something other than sitting here doing nothing. I just smiled at this as a light bulb went off on my head. I walked down to the kitchen and Tyler followed me.

I picked up a knife and made multiple slashes in my arm. Tyler ran over to me and stopped me at six.

"There, are you happy?" I ask him quietly.

"Mini, come on lets just go to the doctors," he said sighing as he wrapped my arm up.

~Time Skip Doctors Cause I Lazy :d~

When we arrived Jenny cried and came to hug me.

"Those test results weren't yours they were another's person; here's your's," she explained handing me an envelope. My breath hitched as I opened the envelope. As I read the results I cried.

I may have just killed my baby...

Author's Note
Cliffhanger, nailed it! Hurray, I killed the beautiful Minicat baby and destroyed Lui metally! ARE YOU PROUD OF ME MOM?!?! I wrote this at my Grandma's house and I need to go so bye. Has a cookie *hands cookie* Have a great day/night and smile on :)

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