Filming Pt. 1 (Tyler's P.O.V.)

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Most of you were probably wonder 'Why was Cartoonz filming his torture sessions with Mini?' Here is the answer)

Tyler's P.O.V.

I've been freaking out over Mini's disappearance. It's been two days since Mini left "over to Lui's." He lied. I called Lui and he said he and Mini never said they were going on a walk.

I pull myself out of bed and throw on some clothes. I quickly glance in the mirror and noticed my cloths didn't match. I don't care though, there is no one here to judge me.

I was pondering about what to eat for breakfast when I heard a loud knock at my door. I sighed and sluggishly walked to the door. I opened it and saw no one. I cocked an eyebrow and checked the halls.

"Stupid kids," I muttered as I take a step foreword to see if I could hear footsteps. I tripped over a light weight boxed and my face kissed the floor. Groaning I turned over and looked at the box.

Even though I felt hatred for that stupid box that didn't make the choice to trip me, I picked it up and walked inside. I set the box on kitchen corner and got a bowl out. I get my favorite cereal, milk, and a spoon before I sit at a table for two.

I eat but the food tasted like cardboard as I eyed the mysterious box. Finally, when I was about half way done with my cereal, I get up and rip open the box.

There was only one object inside the box. It was a CD that had play me written on it in sharpie. I felt scared but curiosity got the best of me and I popped the disc in.

The scene on the screen made my heart stop. Mini was strapped to a chair. A man was also on the screen. He had stunning, crystal blue eyes that complemented his stunning blonde, almost white, hair. He was very well built with very pale skin that looked great with his jaw line. His plump, red lips were twisted into an evil grin. He wore black clothes that let him blend into the background. I immediately don't like this man.

The man came towards my angel and grabbed his hair roughly. Blondie reached into his pocket and with drew a knife. He forced Mini's head back and pressed the small knife to his neck.

"Look, it's your baby," Blondie said cockily in a very deep voice that suit him very well. He made a slicing motion over Mini's neck and a thin line a blood followed the knife.

"Hey, doesn't he have a baby in is belly?" Blondie asked. He let go off my baby's hair and pressed a hand on his stomach. Anger bubbled inside of me and I felt the urge to stab his pathetic body a thousand times. A groan that left Mini's lips caught my attention.

"So he does still have a pretty voice," Blondie said. The video zoomed in on Mini's face letting me see his tears clear as day. Mini's face got further away and Blondie leaves the frame. The tears came pouring out of Mini's eyes.

"You can speak now," Blondie said. He walked up and yanked the piece of cloth out of my love's mouth. I hear him take a deep breath.

"Help me! Please! I love you! I love you so so much! Pleas I don't like here. I just want you to hold me again," Mini chokes out and I swear my heart fell apart with each word. The video cut to dark room with Blondie.

"You have a week. Hand over Jonathan or else lover boy and his baby are as good as died." Static filled the screen. I picked up my phone and dialed Evan.

"Evan you are going to want to get here asap."


Evan watched the video and he slammed his fist on the table.

"Who does that guy think he is!" Evan roared. I took a step back and Evan turned to meet my eyes. His eyes were filled with rage while mine were filled with tears. I couldn't take it anymore. I sobbed my heart out.

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