What Happened - 30 Weeks (Pt. 1)

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Mini's P.O.V.

I rubbed my baby bump and sighed affectionately. I glanced up at my handsome boyfriend who was busy signing me out. Little baby Yarkira Luci Thompson kicked me lightly so I let out a giggle. I poked my belly a few times before I felt a presence leaning over my. I started to hyperventilate as I slowly looked up.

"Are you ready to go baby?" Tyler asked my softly. He grasped my smaller hand and helped me up. I was shaking a little but when Tyler scooped me up in his arms, I calmed down. I snuggled into his chest, my much larger stomach pushing against him.

"I love you," I whisper softly into Tyler's shirt. He chuckled and I could feel the vibrations so did Yarkira.

"I love you too," Tyler informed me. He set me down onto the concrete in front of our car and opened my door. We both got in and I smiled softly. Tyler leaned over and kissed my forehead before starting the car up.


I laid in bed all by myself. It was the middle of night but I couldn't sleep. I still don't let Tyler sleep with me, I am way to scared. All that stuff that has happened to me still haunts me. I flinched at the memories and wrapped my hands around my stomach protectively.

"Mini," I heard Tyler say and then he sighed. He walked over to the bed and sat on the end of it. "It isn't healthy for you or for Yarkira to stay up."

"I'm just scared," I say quietly. Tears flow slowly down my face. Tyler pulled the covers over himself as he laid down next to me. He wrapped his strong, warm arms around me. I stiffened at the touch but I relaxed into Tyler's warm embrace.

"What happened to us," Tyler's cracked voice came breaking the peaceful silence.

"I don't know," I cried.

"It's hurting me. I'm giving you time and I try to reason your actions but you keep flinching at my every touch, crying whenever I get to close to you, and you go as far as to sleep in a separate bed in a separate room. What am I to do?!?! I'm worried about you!!!!" Tyler rants. I sob and Tyler's arm tighten around me as if he let's me go, he'll never see me again.

"What happened to us Min? What happened to our love?" Tyler says and I feel the hot, wet tears on my shoulder.

Part two is coming soon!!!!!! I really like this chapter!!!!!! I can't wait for part two, can you?

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