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Mini's P.O.V.

I cracked my eyes only to see black. I rubbed my sore head and squeezed my eyes shut as I groaned in pain. I opened my eyes again only to meet darkness. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I stood up and lightly brushed myself off. I looked around but everywhere I looked, there was darkness.

Confusion sprawled across and my brows furrowed. I stood, probably looking like an idiot, dumbfounded. Then, worry replaced my confused expression. My stomach did flip flops and my mouth suddenly felt dry.

I fell to my knees, my eyes staring into the seemingly endless darkness, and I started to cry. The tears felt hot and wet against my cold, dry face. I let them flow freely, not evening attempting to wipe them away. I felt lost and scared.

Finally, I stopped crying and came to the conclusion that the only way out was to walk. I stood up with new found confidence. I looked around for a second before settling on heading to my right.

I walked for a while, until my legs grew tired, and I finally sat down. I was tired and sweating even through I had only walked. I closed my eyes telling myself I would only rest them for a moment...
I jolted awake confused to see white all around me. I groaned and tried to sit up. I could only hear a ringing in my ears making me rub them. I noticed I was on a hospital bed and there was two empty chairs to my left. The ringing suddenly, it was almost unbearable, making me howl in pain.

The ringing continued to get louder making me let out a high pitched scream. I thrashed wildly and repeatedly slapped my arms, leg, and chest. Two people burst into the room through a door. I didn't care, I hurt too much to care.

Then, someone entered the room and the ringing didn't mean anything. I cried loudly as I saw Tyler's face.

Sorry this took so long guys... Ending in two chapters then I think I'll do five chapters in Tyler's P.O.V.


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