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Mini's P.O.V.

I ran through the room I had eaten pizza at my first day. The thought of food made my stomach growl. I ignored the new pain and kept running. I saw the door that leads to the outside and my heart soared. Then Justin and Kam jumped in front of the exit.

My heart sank but I kept running. When I came close enough, Kam grabbed my arm and twisted it so I would fall. He had underestimated me and that gave me the advantage I needed.

I smirked as I twisted my arm so Kam knocked into Justin. The pair fell to the floor and I reached for the doorknob. I twisted the knob and Justin grasped my ankle. I tripped.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

As I fell the door opened. I kicked Justin's face and I scrambled to get up. I jump to my feet but the blood loss was to much and I fell. I got up and someone grabbed my left arm. This time I managed to stay up so I ripped my arm out of the grip.

As I ripped my arm out of the persons grip, I moved my arm to the left so that the person's face slammed into the wall. I ran out the door and a smile spread across my face. I made a sharp right and ran. I bolted into the woods, the trees giving me cover for the bullets that now raining on me.

I ran for another ten to twenty minutes before I stopped behind a large tree. The footsteps had stopped a minute or so ago but I kept running anyways. I leaned on the tree and started to close my eyes. I wanted to just close my eyes for just for a few seconds but soon I drifted into sleep.

I woke up to a growl deep in my stomach. I clutched my stomach and threw up. I was starving with no food. I cried softly as I got up. I fell onto my back and continued to cry. This time when I fell, I didn't get back up I just prayed for Tyler to somehow find me.

I had been crying for another thirty minutes before I came to my senses. I got up, using the tree to support me, and looked at the sky. It looked about midday. I let go of the tree and took my first, shaky step. I continued to take slow steps, scared to go too fast. Tears kept flowing down my face and my stomach kept growling as I walked. I was scared and I was alone as I walked.

Eventually I stumbled into a town that I didn't recognize. I walked into the open street looking like a homeless person. I was slightly limping and had my right hand on my left shoulder. Dried blood caked my face, hands, and shirt. My eyes were half open and I used my other hand to clutch my stomach.

The road I walked into had a sharp turn to my left and, just as my luck would have it, a car came flying around the corner. Pain, once again, flooded my body and the now familiar metallic taste filled my mouth. I blanked out before my ragdoll body even connected with the pavement.

Pain. One word, so many forms. I, Craig. One person, so much pain. I float around pure white clouds wondering 'When will it end?'. I reach my hand up and rub my throbbing side. Then I remove my hand only to place to at the bottom of my shirt. I gently pull up my shirt and watch as goosebumps form on the newly exposed skin. I then glide my fingers over the small bump on my body.

I flinched and yank my hand away suddenly after remembering what pain the bump had caused. I grab my rolled up shirt and roughly yank it down giving me a quick burning sensation but it quickly fades. I stay still for a few moments before placing a cold hand against my warm face. I feel the wetness of tears that rolled down her face. The tears just keep flowing as I silently cried just like all those nights I spent alone in my room.


"-y bu-"

"-ke u-"

"-d ba-"

Artificial light replaced the white cloud as I felt like I was free falling. I watched the clouds slowly fade and blend in with the light, their golden glow turning into a dim yellow. The familiar feeling I came to know as pain started to take over my body; working its way up from my toes to eventually taking over the thoughts on my head.

"Mini!" I hear a male voice say. I turn my head with the little energy I have to see a very tall man that I didn't recognized. Something in the back of my head told me I knew him but I didn't remember him.

"D-do I kn-know y-you?" I ask him my voice came out rough and scratchy. His smile dropped and his face twisted with confusion.

"It's me, Tyler," 'Tyler' tells me. I rank my throbbing head for something, anything, to do with Tyler.

"I'm sorry," I stopped, having a coughing fit," but I don't know a 'Tyler'"

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