Chapter 9

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"We lack one player, want to join us?" Sebastian invited Benjamin who was busy shooting hoops.

Benjamin catches the ball after it bounced off the board before looking at Sebastian.

"Yeah, why not? What's the catch?"

I told Jillian to stay with me but she suddenly went towards the boys. I had no choice but to follow her. I must contain her maybe she'll utter words that should not be said.

"There should be a prize for the winner. Money to bet?" Sebastian took out his leather wallet.

"Wait, can I suggest?" Jillian interjected.

Benny and Sebastian waited for Jillian's suggestion.

"The winner gets a kiss from Iris."

What the fuck?!

"JILLIAN!" I exclaimed.

Benny laughed.

"Her kiss is not worth for a prize," Sebastian answered back.

"Excuse me?" I joined the conversation.

"Are you gonna pass by?" He sarcastically replied.

That. That riled me.

"Fine, I'll Bet for Benny. A thousand." I took a thousand out of my pocket.

"Why don't we make it ten?" There was something in his stare. He was teasing me.

Thought I'd be a coward and bail off.

"Fine. Ten it is."

Jillian was surprised with the exchange of words between me and Sebastian. I walk along with Benny to the other side of the court.

"Do you have that amount of money?" Benny asked.

I looked down. "No, do you?"

"I don't, Iris. I'm broke." Benny stopped dribbling the ball he was holding.

I face Benjamin. "Then win this. I know you can.. plus my pride is on the line too."

Benny laughs as he continued dribbling the ball. "Okay,"

It was supposed to be a group match but it ended up to be a one on one match between Sebastian and Benjamin.

The friends of Sebastian were there too, they didn't left when Sebastian told them that the game will be just for the both of them.

One of Sebastian's friend volunteered to be the referee and I refuse thinking that he'll give side to Sebastian but he assured me that he'll call fair. So I let them continue the game.

I just want to make sure. I bet ten on this game.

"Let's start?" Sebastian's friend asked.

Benny did a thumbs up and Sebastian nodded as a reply.

The game started and I was nervous as hell. I've never been this nervous.. my heart's pounding.

Benny took the ball. He dribbled it going to his side. Sebastian was guarding him. Benny then took a step forward but when Sebastian raised his hand on him, he did a turn and did a fade away shot.

Benny scored.

"That's my Benny!" I exclaimed.

Sebastian had the ball and when he passed by my side, he shook his head smiling.

He's enjoying this, huh?

For the first ten minutes, Sebastian leads the score.

"Dude, what's wrong with you? You should show the Porsche guy you're a bad ass." Jillian reminded Benjamin.

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