Chapter 10

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"I barely survived the first day of exam." Camille stated as soon as she got out of the room.

"One down, one more to go." Sophie answered back.

The exam really got us good. It was hard.

"Damn, I literally just picked any color I could think of for the inorganic chemistry." Camille releases off her stress.

"It was unexpected," I answered back.

The group decided to eat in a nearby restaurant to fill up their stressed brain. They invited me but I declined since I don't want to get stuck in traffic.

I waited for a bus and it arrived earlier than it usually does. I was able to find a good seat and once I was settled, I took my AirPods out to listen some music.

I opened our group chat and started typing.

@Ginger Ale: How's your midterms? Mine was surprisingly hard. *inserted a melting emoji.

Benjamin was online.

@Bennyjaminn: HAHAHA. Ours was a like a walk in the park.

@Ginger Ale: For real?

Jillian entered the chatroom and was typing something.

@Jillyyy: Of course its going to be a walk in the park for Benjamin because he didn't take the exam because he was exempted.

@Bennyjaminn: HAHAHAHA

@Ginger Ale: Wish I'd get exempted. HAHAHA

The group chat suddenly became quiet and I bet their busy studying too. So I went downstairs and saw Jayse preparing something.

"What's that?" I ask as I come towards him.

"Just some sandwich. Do you want some?"

"Awww. My baby brother just asked me if I wanted a sandwich. How thoughtful.." I was teasing Jayse about it but deep down inside I was touched.

"Yeah, whatever big sis. Here,"

"Thank you," I took the sandwich he made and went to the fridge to grab a juice drink. "I'll be heading back into my room. Got to study, cause I ain't smart. Goodbye."

I placed the sandwich and juice drink on my table while I search for a music to play while I go to the bathroom. When I have finished deciding what playlist I should play, I went to the bathroom to take a shower and did change into a comfy white shirt and shorts after.

"She wear short skirts, I wear t-shirts...she's cheer captain, I'm on the bleachers.. dreaming 'bout the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking has been here the whole time..." I was busy singing along to Taylor Swift's 'You belong with me' while I dry my hair using a blower.

Since the wire connector of the blower was a bit long, I danced around my room not far enough from my table.

"You belong with meee, you belong with me." I pointed the window at the end of the song.

To my horror, my eyes widened when I saw Sebastian clapping his hands at me.

I quickly ducked and thought of the worst scenario.

What if he's been there the whole time witnessing my weird moves?!

Damn. Why did I forgot to put the blinds down? And why did I forget that Sebastian's room is just across mine?!

I'm humiliating myself.

I can't hide anymore. He already saw me dancing and singing a while ago.

I stood up and fixed myself. When I looked at Sebastian's window, the blinds were rolled down but there was a piece of paper pasted on his window.

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