The Vampire's Mate (Jeonglix) 🔞

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In a dark and mysterious city, the vampire coven known as Stray Kids roamed the streets under the cover of night. Each member possessed unique abilities and shared an unbreakable bond, forged through centuries of existence. Chan, the charismatic and wise leader of the coven, possessed the power of mind control. With a mere thought, he could bend the will of others to his desires, ensuring the safety and secrecy of their existence.

Jisung, Chan's devoted mate, possessed the ability to read minds. His keen insight allowed him to delve into the thoughts and intentions of both humans and vampires alike, serving as a valuable asset in their clandestine activities.

Hyunjin, with his gentle and caring nature, possessed the gift of healing. His touch could mend wounds and restore vitality, a skill that proved indispensable in the vampire world, where injuries were commonplace.

Seungmin, the quiet and observant member of the coven, had the power of invisibility. With a mere thought, he could blend seamlessly into the shadows, rendering himself undetectable to both human and vampire eyes.

Minho, Seungmin's mate, the passionate and fiery member of the coven, held dominion over fire. He could summon flames at will, manipulating them to his advantage, turning them into a formidable weapon against their enemies.

Changbin, Hyunjin's mate, possessing a stoic and formidable presence, possessed superhuman strength. His physical prowess surpassed that of ordinary vampires, allowing him to perform astonishing feats of power and agility.

And Jeongin, possessed the ability to shapeshift. With a mere thought, he could transform his appearance, taking on any form he desired, whether human or animal, blending seamlessly into the world around him.

With their unique abilities combined, the Stray Kids vampire coven formed an unstoppable force, capable of navigating the treacherous world they inhabited.

Jeongin has grown weary of his eternal existence. Jeongin had endured a tragic past, his family mercilessly slaughtered by a group of heartless individuals over a century ago. Seeking revenge, he had spent years tracking down and eliminating those responsible. But now, having fulfilled his vendetta, he found himself adrift in an unending sea of boredom.

One fateful night, while out hunting for fresh blood to sustain himself, Jeongin caught a sweet scent on the wind. Intrigued, he followed the aroma until he stumbled upon a disturbing scene. The moon cast an eerie glow on the dark alley, revealing a tall and menacing figure towering over a young man, whose face was etched with fear and pain. Jeongin's sensitive vampire senses picked up on the vile intentions of the assailant, his bloodlust mixing with an abhorrent desire.

Normally, Jeongin didn't involve himself in the affairs of humans, but something about the young man beneath the assailant's grasp ignited a spark of interest within him. The aroma of his blood called out to Jeongin, and he couldn't resist the urge to intervene.

Jeongin's eyes narrowed as he listened to the man's cruel words, his voice dripping with malice. "You thought you could escape, huh? I'm going to make you suffer, and then I'll end your miserable life," the man sneered, his knife slicing into Felix's side and stomach. The young man cried out in agony, his body trembling with pain.

Enraged by the sight before him, Jeongin could feel his fangs elongating, his vampire instincts taking over. Without hesitation, he lunged at the assailant, his speed and strength surpassing that of any mortal. In a swift and deadly motion, Jeongin overpowered the man, his eyes blazing with a mixture of fury and protectiveness.

As the assailant's life force slipped away, Jeongin turned towards the boy, his features softened with concern. Gently cradling him in his arms, he could feel the warmth of the young man's blood staining his own skin. A mixture of worry and urgency filled his voice as he spoke to him, his words laced with a mixture of relief and determination.

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