Dark of Night (OT8)

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In the dark streets surrounding Seoul, a vampire coven known as Stray Kids governed all supernatural beings. Comprising seven members, they were determined to establish a peaceful coexistence between supernaturals and humans. However, on this particular night, an unusual scent caught their attention.

Jeongin exclaimed, "Do you guys smell that?"

Minho sniffed the air and replied, "Yes, whoever is bleeding is our mate."

Changbin protested, "What do you mean our mate aren't we complete with seven?"

Smirking, Chan, the leader, said, "I guess fate has other plans. We need one more."

Seungmin chimed in, "Let's follow the scent. If he's bleeding, he must be human and in danger."

They sprinted with their super speed, while Changbin silently resisted the idea of a new mate. Finally, they arrived at the scene—a young man, bleeding profusely and trembling in the hollow of a tree.

Jisung recognized the markings and exclaimed, "This was done by the TXT."

Aware of their ongoing conflicts with TXT, the coven contemplated dealing with them more forcefully. Seungmin approached the injured boy, who whimpered upon seeing him. Seungmin gently reached out and ran his hand through the boy's hair.

In a soothing tone, Seungmin said, "Hush, baby, let me check your wounds."

While Seungmin attended to the boy, the others discussed what to do about TXT. Seungmin soon joined them, delivering the news that the boy would die without being turned into a vampire.

Changbin, despite his initial reservations, looked into the boy's eyes and realized the truth, and moreover, he found him attractive. Determined to sire their new mate, Changbin volunteered, being one of the few with the ability to turn someone.

Without taking his eyes off the boy, Changbin asked, "Minnie, can he make it back to the house? He'll be more comfortable there during the transition."

The others stared at Changbin in surprise, but he shrugged and said, "What, he's pretty." Hyunjin teased him, and Seungmin confirmed that they could safely transport the boy to their house, albeit with considerable pain.

Changbin carefully carried the boy, feeling his life force wane, and brought him to their shared bedroom. Placing him on the large bed, Changbin bit into his neck until he felt the boy's heart stop. He then cleaned and dressed the boy's wounds, witnessing them heal as signs of the transformation.

In the kitchen, Minho provided Changbin with a blood bag and inquired about the process.

Changbin sighed, "He's currently transitioning in our bed. It seems to be going well."

Minho remarked, "Fortunately, we don't need to sleep. Let's avoid disturbing him."

Chan and the others joined them, with Jeongin excitedly discussing their new mate's features. Seungmin interjected, "Take it slow, Innie. We have all the time in the world. Binnie, did you complete the turning?"

Changbin replied, "Yes, he's in our bed if you want to check on him."

Seungmin, as the coven's healer, entered their room to ensure the transition was progressing smoothly and to alleviate any pain. Satisfied, he returned to the kitchen and informed the others, "Everything looks good. He's not in pain. Do we have enough blood bags? He'll likely wake up tomorrow evening, feed from Changbin first, and then we'll all complete the mate bonding."

Hyunjin nodded and said, "Don't worry, I stocked up the fridge during my run yesterday."

True vampires, born as vampires themselves, possessed the power to turn others. In their coven, Chan, Minho, and Changbin were the only true vampires, having lived for almost a thousand years. The rest of the members were turned vampires. Hyunjin had been turned about a hundred years ago by a rogue vampire, while Jisung's transformation occurred eighty years ago during a lab experiment. Seungmin became a vampire eighty years ago after being kidnapped, and Jeongin was turned sixty years ago by his now-deceased best friend.

Chan inquired, "Did you find any identification? Do we know his name?"

Changbin responded, "Yes, I found an Australian ID on him. His name is Lee Felix, and his birthdate is September 14th." Jisung jumped with joy upon hearing the date.

Jisung exclaimed, "His birthday is the day after mine! He's my soul mate! Although I'm way older."

Minho playfully smacked Jisung and said, "Calm down, Jisung. Let's give him time to awaken."

Chan thoughtfully expresses, "Another Aussie? That's amazing!"

The following evening, as they engaged in a quiet conversation in the living room, their heightened senses detected the stirring of Felix's awakening. Changbin swiftly leaped to his feet and hurried upstairs to their room, followed closely by the rest of the group. With caution, the group gathered around the doorway, ensuring not to overwhelm the newborn vampire.

Changbin gently brushed Felix's hair away from his forehead and tenderly inquired, "How are you feeling, precious?"

Felix surveyed the room, marveling at the newfound clarity of his vision, as if the resolution had been enhanced. He noticed the presence of a guy sitting beside him and attempted to speak, only to discover a peculiar hunger that rendered him speechless. Instead, he gestured to his throat, hoping the muscular guy would understand. Changbin's eyes widened as he comprehended the issue. He extended his arm to Felix, pointing to a spot, and said, "Bite." Although Felix felt perplexed, his instincts took over, and he obediently bit into the indicated spot on Changbin's arm. A sense of relief washed over him as the warm liquid flowed down his throat. Acting on instinct, Felix ceased biting and observed in awe as the wounds on Changbin's arm vanished. Staring at the muscular guy in disbelief, Felix stammered, "Am... Am I a vampire?"

Changbin nodded slightly, confirming Felix's question. At that moment, Chan entered the room and slowly took a seat beside Changbin.

In a soft tone, Chan introduced himself, "Hi, Felix. I'm Chan, the leader of our coven. We call ourselves Stray Kids. Yesterday, we found you on the verge of death, and the scent of your blood revealed that you are our mate. To save you, we had to turn you into a vampire. Although Changbin is your sire, our unique dynamics mean that it won't be solely relevant now since you awakened and drank from him. Later, after you've consumed some blood bags, we will each drink your blood, and you will drink ours. This ritual will bind us all together as mates."

Wide-eyed, Felix responded, "Wow, that was unexpected, but thank you for explaining. Who are all of you?" He pointed towards the other vampires standing at the door.

"I'm Minho, and these are Jisung, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin. It's a pleasure to meet you, Felix," Minho said, smiling warmly at the boy.

Seungmin hurried off to the kitchen to fetch two blood bags for Felix to drink, finalizing the mating bond. Upon returning, he discovered Jisung sitting next to Felix on the bed.

Jisung exclaimed, while bouncing on his knees, "You're my birthday twin, so you're my soulmate!" Seungmin promptly smacked the back of Jisung's head and retorted, "We're all soulmates, you silly."

Seungmin handed the blood bags to Felix and affectionately said, "Here, sweetness. After you've consumed these, we can complete the mating ritual, unless you have any objections." Gasps filled the room as everyone stared at Felix with widened eyes, hoping he didn't have objections. Blushing, Felix averted his gaze but Changbin, being his sire and the only one he had bonded with thus far, understood his thoughts. Tenderly, Changbin took Felix's hand and whispered, "Go ahead, it's okay. Let them know."

Felix turned his gaze towards everyone and spoke softly, "I've been alone for years. My parents disowned me at 16 when they discovered I was gay, and I've been on my own ever since. Life hasn't been easy for me. Today, I found myself in the forest, contemplating giving up, but I prayed one last time, hoping that if I was meant for someone or something, it would happen then. That's when those two men arrived, biting and tearing at my skin like wild beasts. I thought there would be no happy ending for me. But then you guys came, and I woke up as a vampire, surrounded by seven handsome men. I would love to complete the bonding process with all of you." Tears streamed down Felix's beautiful freckled cheeks as he consumed the two blood bags.

Chan, as the leader, went first. "Never before have I been so grateful that someone was hurt and needed our help. Today, I am proud to have you as my mate." Chan wiped away Felix's tears and, with a tender moan, sank his fangs into Felix's neck. In response, Felix allowed his instincts to take over as he moaned and reciprocated the action. As Chan pressed his forehead against Felix's and bestowed a sweet kiss upon his pretty lips, a smile adorned his face.

Minho stepped forward to take Chan's place, offering Felix a shy smile. "You make me experience emotions I've never felt before, Felix. I promise to protect and cherish you, always." Minho, too, engaged in the ritual, sealing their bond with a deep connection.

When Minho bit Felix, his eyes rolled back in pleasure, and the bite mark immediately healed on the surface, confirming their deep bond. Seungmin, explaining quietly, whispered, "You can tell this was meant to be. The way he moaned when Chan bit him, and when Minho bit him, you could see his eyes roll back. And as soon as they let go and licked the bite mark, it got embedded and healed on the surface immediately. This is destiny."

Felix's freckled cheeks turned bright red, and he looked down at his hands, feeling a mix of embarrassment and exhilaration. Hyunjin stepped forward, replacing Minho, and gently tilted Felix's chin up to meet his gaze. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, little one," he reassured. "We are enjoying it just as much as you are." Hyunjin placed a light kiss on Felix's pouty lips, and together they bit each other. This time, it was Hyunjin who moaned against Felix's skin, his blood tasting sweet and sending an electric charge through him. When they let go, Hyunjin was astonished, barely able to whisper, "Wow!"

Jisung playfully pushed Hyunjin aside and declared, "My turn. My sweet birthday twin, even though we just met, I feel like I've known you for eternity, and now I will." Jisung and Felix sank into each other's necks, and Felix's back arched as he murmured into Jisung's neck. Jisung looked at him, seeing the look of ecstasy on his face, he gently placed his hand on Felix's cheek. "I feel it too, baby," Jisung whispered. "It's awesome, isn't it?" Felix vigorously nodded his head, prompting smiles from the others.

Seungmin stepped forward, standing in front of Felix, and asked, "Hi, angel. How are you feeling?"

Felix looked at Seungmin with sparkles in his eyes and breathed, "I feel awesome."

Seungmin smiled and replied, "That's really good to hear. Only two more, baby." They both bit into each other's necks, moaning in unison. Seungmin lifted off, licking his bite, and added, "I second what Hyunjin said." Laughter filled the room.

Jeongin came to take Seungmin's place, placing both hands on Felix's cheeks and looking into his eyes. His eyes glossy with desire and lust, his pupils blown wide open, Jeongin smiled and placed kisses on Felix's mouth and nose. Felix giggled cutely, becoming everyone's new favorite sound. Jeongin gently laid Felix down on his back, straddling him, and they bit each other's necks. Filled with immense pleasure, Felix ground his hips upward into Jeongin's, and they both licked their bites, panting from the overwhelming sensations. As Jeongin moved to get off Felix, he purposefully ground down onto Felix's hips, causing the boy to release powerfully in his pants, untouched.

Embarrassed, Felix hid his neck in the nearest person, which happened to be Minho, tears streaming down his cheeks from the intense pleasure and embarrassment. Minho tenderly petted the back of Felix's head, reassuring him, "There's no need to be embarrassed, my love. Our venom works as an aphrodisiac for our mates, and you just received seven bites in a short amount of time. It was bound to happen. And you know what?" Felix shook his head, curious for the answer. Minho smiled sweetly and said, "We would have been disappointed if it didn't happen because this confirms it for us. You are our last mate, and we didn't even know we needed another one until you."

After the mating ritual, Felix rested contentedly in Minho's arms. Suddenly, he sat up and asked, "Minnie, why are you upset?" Felix then went over to where Seungmin was sitting and crawled into his lap, peppering his face with small kisses and making Seungmin laugh out loud. A surge of happiness flowed through the room, and the others felt it too.

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