Finding Love (OT8)

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Felix had always felt like he didn't quite fit in. There was something about him, something that set him apart from everyone else. He was a little, and that truth had brought him nothing but pain and heartache. His parents, unable to understand or accept his true self, had kicked him out of their house, leaving him feeling lost and alone.

With nowhere else to turn, Felix found himself wandering the streets, clutching his small bag of belongings tightly. Night had descended, and the city lights flickered overhead, casting an eerie glow on the deserted streets. Tears welled up in his eyes as he contemplated his bleak future.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a warm hand gently touched Felix's shoulder. He turned around, his red-rimmed eyes meeting the kind gaze of Lee Minho, a member of the K-pop group Stray Kids. Minho had spotted Felix from afar, and his instincts told him that this young boy needed help. Standing slightly behind him were the rest of his bandmates.

"Hey there," Minho said gently, his voice filled with compassion. "Are you okay?"

Felix sniffled, wiping away his tears. "I... I hwve nuh where to go," he admitted, his little side revealing itself. Stray Kids exchanged glances and then looked at Minho as if silently communicating.

"What's your name, kitten?" Minho asked him.

"Fewix," he told him.

"How old are you, baby boy?" Chan asked.

"I two," Felix said, "I kwow chu guys, chu Swray Kids." Felix smiled at them. Even with tears on his face, his smile radiated brightness. The group was taken aback by how his smile shone like sunshine.

"You're so adorable, angel. Where are your parents?" Hyunjin asked.

"Twey nuh wike me. Twey kwck me owt," Felix said, tears welling up again.

Minho gave Hyunjin a glare. "Hush, kitten. You can come with us."

"Otay, but I swranger," Felix said.

"No, kitten, you're not a stranger. You're Felix," Minho said, smiling.

Felix smiled up at Minho, and Minho knew he wanted to keep him and protect him. He looked up at Chan, who nodded. Minho scooped up Felix, and Felix clung to him like a little koala. Snuggling into Minho's neck, Felix mumbled, "Chu nuh cwre I wittle?"

"No, sweetheart, we don't mind," Seungmin said.

Felix nodded and smiled as his heavy eyes started to droop. Soon, he emitted tiny snores that the group found enchanting.

"Are we keeping him, hyung?" Jeongin asked, excitement evident in his voice. What Felix didn't know was that Jeongin was also a little. He often regressed to the ages between four and six.

"We want to, but you know nothing is as important to us as consent. So when he's in his big space, we'll talk to him. Maybe he'll join the group. I know he knows who we are," Chan said.

Jeongin smiled widely, and Seungmin, noticing this, approached and said, "Innie, if you feel little, go ahead and slip, sweetie. We've got you."

"Tank chu, Minnie. Seeing Lixie made me want to be little. I wonder if he wants to play when we get home," Little Jeongin said.

"I don't see why he wouldn't, baby, but we have to get home first," Hyunjin said.

Jeongin skipped ahead, giggling to himself. The others smiled, seeing their little one so happy. Jeongin was always happy as a little, but now he was going to be even happier to have a little brother.

When they arrived at the dorms, Minho took Felix to his bedroom, with Jeongin following closely behind. Minho sat Felix on the bed, and Jeongin climbed up and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Innie. Bet chu didn't know I was a little."

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