The Confession (OT8)🔞

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Felix found himself in his room, surrounded by a somber ambiance. Alone, he gazed fixedly at the morning sunrise painting the sky. The hushed stillness enveloped him, occasionally interrupted by faint echoes of shouting and distant laughter from his band mates. A profound heaviness settled within his chest, a combination of personal demons and an increasing sense of disconnection from his beloved Stray Kids comrades.

As seconds ticked by, Felix realized that the weight of his fears and insecurities had become too immense to bear in solitude any longer. Deep within his soul, he recognized the pressing need to confide in his bandmates and unburden himself from the secret he had concealed for far too long.

Summoning courage and resolve, Felix felt drawn to the living room where his fellow musicians gathered, their voices brimming with laughter. Inhaling a steadying breath, he mustered the strength to break the silence. His heart raced as he gulped, his nerves evident in his expression.

"Guys, there's something I really need to talk to all of you about," he began, his voice quivering with vulnerability. "Lately, the weight of the hate comments has been pressing down on me more than I've let on. It's been an incredibly tough battle, and I'm afraid I might find myself slipping back into self-harming again."

Chan's eyes widened in astonishment, his concern evident. "Felix, why didn't you reach out to us sooner? We're here for you, always," he exclaimed, his voice filled with unwavering support.

Felix let out a weary sigh, his shoulders slumping. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice laced with regret. "I didn't want to burden any of you with my problems. But it's become too much to bear alone, and I can't keep it bottled up inside any longer."

Minho's voice was gentle and reassuring as he spoke up. "Felix, you're not burdening us at all. We're a team, a family, and we'll stand by you through thick and thin. Your pain is our pain, and we'll do whatever it takes to help you navigate through this darkness."

Seungmin's eyes filled with sadness as he spoke, his voice overflowing with empathy. "Felix, I had no idea you were going through all of this. I'm so sorry. But please remember, those hateful comments do not define you. You're incredibly talented, kind-hearted, and loved by so many, including all of us."

Tears welled up in Felix's eyes as he listened to their words of comfort and support. "Thank you, guys," he choked out, his voice filled with gratitude. "I was scared to open up, but your words mean everything to me. Sometimes, it's hard to see my own worth amidst all the negativity, but having each and every one of you by my side gives me the strength to keep pushing forward."

Hyunjin's voice rang out with conviction, his determination palpable. "Felix, you mean the world to us. We'll find ways to support you, to remind you of your inherent value, and to help you conquer these struggles. We're here for you, through every high and every low."

A bittersweet smile graced Jisung's lips as he spoke gently. "Felix, your well-being is of utmost importance to us. If you ever feel yourself slipping, please don't hesitate to reach out. We'll be here to listen, to comfort you, and to remind you of the incredible person you are."

Chan spoke up again, his voice resolute with determination. "Felix, we're more than just a group. We're a family. Together, we'll fight this battle, and we'll emerge stronger on the other side. We love you, and we're here for you, no matter what."

Felix sniffled once more, a small smile breaking through his tears. "Thank you, Chan. Thank you, all of you," he said, his voice filled with a mix of emotions. "I'm so incredibly grateful to have each and every one of you in my life. Let's lean on each other and navigate through this storm together."

Later that day, during lunch, Jisung sensed that something still weighed on Felix's mind. Felix appeared distant, his gaze unfocused as he seemed disengaged from the conversation around him. Jisung discreetly tapped Chan on the shoulder and pointed towards Felix, silently conveying his concern. Chan followed Jisung's gaze and immediately sensed that something was indeed wrong.

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