Unbreakable Love (Hyunlix)

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It was a sunny day in Seoul, and the members of Stray Kids were taking a well-deserved break from their busy schedule. Hyunjin and Felix, as usual, found themselves wandering the streets together, enjoying each other's company. They had always been close friends, but lately, something had been stirring within them, something more than just friendship.

As they strolled down the bustling streets, Hyunjin couldn't help but steal glances at Felix. His heart would race every time their eyes met, and he found himself longing for something more. But he wasn't sure if Felix felt the same way. He decided to seize the moment and find out.

"Hey, Felix," Hyunjin began, his voice slightly shaky with nervousness. "I've been meaning to ask you something."

Felix turned towards him, his warm smile lighting up his face. "Sure, Hyunjin. What's on your mind?"

Hyunjin took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "Well, lately, I've been feeling... different when I'm around you. Like there's something more than just friendship between us. And I wanted to know if you feel the same way."

Felix's eyes widened slightly, surprise evident in his expression. He paused for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. "Hyunjin, I... I've been feeling the same way," he admitted, his voice soft and sincere.

Relief washed over Hyunjin, and a smile spread across his face. "Really? I can't believe it," he said, his voice filled with joy. "I've been hoping for this."

Felix chuckled, his eyes sparkling with affection. "Me too, Hyunjin. I've been hoping for this too."

As they continued their walk, their hands brushed against each other, and they shared a shy glance. It was a small gesture, but it was enough to ignite the spark between them. The streets seemed to fade into the background as they got lost in their own world.

"Hyunjin," Felix said, breaking the silence. "I've always admired your perseverance and dedication. You're always pushing yourself to be the best, and it inspires me."

Hyunjin blushed, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. "Felix, you're too kind. But you're the one who always supports and encourages me. You believe in me when I doubt myself."

Felix reached out and gently intertwined his fingers with Hyunjin's, their hands fitting together perfectly. "That's because I believe in us, Hyunjin. Together, we can overcome anything."

Hyunjin's heart swelled with love and affection as he looked into Felix's eyes. In that moment, all his doubts and fears melted away, replaced by a sense of contentment and happiness. They had found something special in each other, something that had been silently growing between them all along.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the city, Hyunjin and Felix found themselves standing in a small park. They sat down on a bench, their fingers still intertwined, and watched as the world around them transformed into a canvas of vibrant colors.

"Felix, I never thought I would find love like this," Hyunjin whispered, his voice filled with awe. "But I'm so glad I did."

Felix leaned in, his lips gently brushing against Hyunjin's cheek. "I feel the same way, Hyunjin. I'm grateful every day that our paths crossed."

They sat in comfortable silence, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment. It was a perfect beginning to a love story they never saw coming.

Days turned into weeks, and Hyunjin and Felix's newfound love only grew stronger. They spent every spare moment together, exploring the city, trying new foods, and simply enjoying each other's presence. Their bond was undeniable, and the other members of Stray Kids couldn't help but notice the changes in their dynamic.

One afternoon, as they gathered at the practice room, Changbin couldn't help but tease Hyunjin. "Hey, Hyunjin, what's the secret behind that constant smile on your face? You seem different lately," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Hyunjin blushed, trying to hide his smile. "Oh, nothing. Just feeling happy, I guess."

Chan, who was standing next to him, couldn't resist chiming in. "I think we all know the reason behind that happiness, don't we, Hyunjin?" he said, a playful smirk on his lips.

Hyunjin's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red as he tried to play it cool. "Alright, alright, you caught us. Felix and I are dating," he confessed, unable to contain his joy.

The other members exchanged knowing glances, and Jeongin nudged Jisung, whispering, "I told you something was going on between them."

The room erupted in cheers and applause, the members genuinely happy for their friends. Minho stepped forward, a proud smile on his face. "Congratulations, you two. We support you all the way," he said, his voice filled with warmth.

With their friends' support, Hyunjin and Felix felt even more secure in their relationship. They continued to navigate this new territory together, cherishing every moment they spent as a couple.

One evening, as they sat on the rooftop of their dorm, the stars twinkled above them, casting a gentle glow on their faces. Hyunjin leaned against Felix, his head resting on his shoulder, as they gazed up at the night sky.

"Felix, it still feels surreal sometimes, doesn't it? That we found each other in this big world," Hyunjin said softly, his voice filled with wonder.

Felix tightened his grip around Hyunjin, his voice equally soft. "It does, Hyunjin. But I believe that some connections are simply meant to be. Our paths crossed for a reason, and I'm grateful for that."

Hyunjin lifted his head, his eyes meeting Felix's. "I'm grateful too, Felix. You bring so much happiness into my life. I never thought I could love someone as deeply as I love you."

Felix's gaze was filled with tenderness as he brushed a strand of hair away from Hyunjin's face. "And I love you just as deeply, Hyunjin. You make me feel complete."

Their lips met in a gentle, heartfelt kiss, sealing their love in that moment. It was a kiss filled with promises of a future together, of shared dreams and endless support.

As they pulled away, a comfortable silence settled between them, the sounds of the city fading away. In that moment, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

Life continued to unfold for Hyunjin and Felix, their relationship blossoming with each passing day. They faced the challenges that came their way with unwavering support and love for one another. But as they soon discovered, love alone couldn't shield them from the trials of life.

One evening, as they sat in the practice room, rehearsing their latest choreography, Hyunjin felt a sharp pain shoot through his ankle. He winced, trying to ignore it, but the pain persisted, causing him to stumble.

Felix, who was standing nearby, immediately rushed to his side, concern etched on his face. "Hyunjin, are you okay? What happened?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.

Hyunjin bit his lip, trying to hide the pain. "I think I twisted my ankle during the dance. It's throbbing."

The other members gathered around, their expressions filled with concern. "We should get you to a doctor, Hyunjin," Chan said, his voice laced with worry.

Felix gently helped Hyunjin to his feet, supporting him as they made their way out of the practice room. They went to their company doctor, where it was confirmed that it was indeed a sprained ankle. Hyunjin would need to rest and take it easy for a while.

As they returned to the dorm, Hyunjin couldn't help but feel frustrated. He was used to being active and agile, and the thought of being sidelined by an injury was disheartening.

Felix, sensing his partner's frustration, wrapped his arms around him, offering comfort. "I know it's tough, Hyunjin. But we'll get through this together. I'll be right by your side, supporting you every step of the way."

Hyunjin leaned into the embrace, finding solace in Felix's words. "Thank you, Felix. I don't know what I would do without you."

The days that followed were a mix of rest, recovery, and support from their friends. Felix took on the role of caretaker, making sure Hyunjin had everything he needed and reminding him to take it easy. It was during these moments of vulnerability that their bond grew even stronger.

One evening, as they sat on the couch, watching their favorite movie, Hyunjin sighed, his expression pensive. "Felix, I miss dancing. I miss being on stage, feeling the energy of the crowd. This injury is holding me back."

Felix turned to him, his eyes filled with empathy. "I understand, Hyunjin. But remember, this is just a temporary setback. You'll be back on that stage, dancing your heart out in no time."

Hyunjin's gaze softened, a mix of gratitude and determination shining in his eyes. "You're right, Felix. I won't let this stop me. With your support and the support of the others, I'll come back stronger than ever."

And so, the days turned into weeks, and Hyunjin's ankle slowly healed. With Felix by his side, cheering him on, he gradually regained his strength. The support of his friends, both on and off stage, gave him the motivation to push through the difficult moments.

Finally, the day arrived when Hyunjin stepped back onto the stage, the crowd erupting in cheers. The familiar rush of adrenaline coursed through his veins, and as he danced alongside his members, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

After the performance, as they gathered backstage, Felix pulled Hyunjin into a tight embrace. "I'm so proud of you, Hyunjin. You faced adversity head-on and came out even stronger."

Hyunjin smiled, his heart full of gratitude. "I couldn't have done it without you, Felix. Your love and support gave me the strength to keep going."

As they held each other, they knew that their love had weathered a storm and emerged stronger than ever. Life's trials had tested them, but their bond had proven unbreakable.

Life had been filled with joy and happiness for Hyunjin and Felix, but as fate would have it, a new challenge was about to test the strength of their love. One evening, as they were walking home from a late-night practice session, a car came screeching around the corner, barely missing Hyunjin as he was pushed out of harm's way.

Time seemed to slow down as Hyunjin watched in horror, unable to comprehend what had just happened. The car crashed into Felix, leaving him lying motionless on the pavement. Panic and fear gripped Hyunjin's heart as he rushed to Felix's side, tears streaming down his face.

"Felix! Please, wake up," Hyunjin pleaded, his voice trembling with desperation. "Stay with me, please."

The other members, who had been walking a few steps behind, quickly called for an ambulance. Chan and Changbin knelt beside Hyunjin, their own eyes filled with worry and sorrow. Jisung and Minho stood nearby, their faces pale with shock. Jeongin and Seungmin were openly crying as they looked at Felix lying motionless on the ground.

As the paramedics arrived and rushed Felix to the hospital, Hyunjin clung to his hand, unwilling to let go. The journey to the hospital felt like an eternity, each passing second filled with uncertainty and a deep ache in Hyunjin's heart.

In the waiting room, the members gathered, their hands intertwined, offering each other support. Hours passed, and the tension in the air grew thicker with every passing minute. Hyunjin suddenly sobbed, "It should have been me. Why would he save me just to sacrifice himself?"

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